Which actors can you not stand?

Well...now I know why my ex -divorced me....her actor has not been mentioned yet.....called her.....and she said "told you so, all those nights you stayed home and I went to the movie theater by myself😥😥😥🎥🎥🗿🗿🎬🎬
Jim Carey was my first thought. I just don’t find him funny. Adam Sandler is a close runner up. My husband likes his movies—I go into the other room.
George Clooney - I remember him being featured as a "heartthrob" in some Teen magazine and I was like "why?".

I just remember that he was once on The Facts of Life, one of my favorite shows growing up. He was annoying on the show, and still is...

Kristen Bell’s husband is annoying. I’m not even sure if he’s an actor or not. I don’t find him “funny” at all even though he tries too hard when he’s with his wife during her interviews.
I believe ( and in my history) it was his TV show in 1980 titled Tenspeed and Brown shoe, it was a engaging comedy detective show and his co-star was a controversial actor ...it had the tone of David Letterman of the 80s. So as he appeared on the big screen with The Right Stuff and Big Chill and Fly. people recognized him from the short lived 14 episode show. After the Right Stuff, I became hooked on his dry style and try to catch all the law and order episodes with him.
What was controversial about Ben Vereen?
Tom Cruise
Alec Baldwin
Will Farrell
John Travolta

Angelina Jolie
Jodie Foster (just something about her that irritates me)
Anna Faris
Kirstie Ally (is she still classified as an actress?)

I can't stand Jodie Foster either. Along with Brooke Shields and Kirstie Alley
Gwenyth Paltrow gets on my nerves.
Wasn’t a fan of Brad Pitt after the Jen/Angelina time but have gotten to the point I like most of his recent movies. Just seems cool and relaxed at this point.
Other than that I don’t look at actors private lives when watching movies.
DH does not like Chris Evans for whatever he says about politics maybe? I don’t know what he says but I love him as Cpt. America!

I am probably the only one in the world that loves Tom Cruise movies:duck: Don’t care for his private life but love the Mission Impossible movies and can’t wait to see Top Gun 2!
My problem with Tom Cruise is not necessarily about his acting but, rather, the parts he gets to play where he has bought the film rights for a book.
My mental image of Jack Reacher, based on the descriptions of him in the Lee Child novels, is nothing like Tom Cruise so I won't watch those films.
The same applies to Mitch Rapp in the Vince Flynn novels, his physical description is nothing like Tom Cruise so those films are out also.
I read far, far more books than I watch films so the authors viewpoint will always be the priority for me.

ford family
Adam Sandler... can not watch him...

Anna Farris, Amy Schumer - can not watch either of them... like nails on a chalk board... Terrible...

Jennifer Lopez... please just don't do it...

Jimmy Kimel, and Conan...

I wish actors and actress, would keep out of the political jargon... Yes I know that is their right to do so... How and Why would what they say make a difference... Who cares about whatever they feel is their political platform, and we should vote their way, because there famous or infamous...... UMMM They are Actors for Goodness sake, and PRETENDING is what they do for a living, and they get paid to pretend pretty successfully... Sooo why... just putting it out there...

Once they start picking sides, either side of the aisle... I'm pretty much done... I want to watch their craft, and enjoy their performance's... there enough political stuff on right now and they don't need to add to it...
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Will Ferrel
Jim Carey
John Gandy and Chevy Chase especially. I hate when my boyfriend puts on a movie with either one of those two.
Matthew McConaughey, but only when playing himself in Lincoln commercials.

I would rather be tased in the eyeballs rather then watch one of those commercials.
:rotfl2:Agreed..... except I can't watch him in anything at all....I have no idea why I just can't. It's odd b/c I know objectively he's just a good looking guy playing a part, but I Can't. Stand. Him.:rotfl: (All this to say of course it's only based on not knowing him at all,or any of these people,just the persona they display for fame)
but he is not playing himself in those commercials, he was chosen specifically for that brand of vehicle....that no one else could full fill, those commercials will be studied in film class and advertising class for years to come And the last commercial, how the series ends is a homage to the film industry and lost of innocence's or is it?

I find it hard to believe that only one person could do a TV ad for any brand of car. Obviously the marketing people think their vision of how to advertise something is the only thing that matters and sometimes they miss the mark by a mile. I don't like/dislike him but find that car commercials overly focused on some actor/actress/celebrity risk turning off those who don't find that person particularly popular or credible and likely you spend more time on what the actor is saying vs. looking at the car. I really don't care if they like a vehicle (or is playing a role of someone who does) and think ads using generic/unknown people reach a wider audience. Popularity of celebrities comes and goes for a variety of reasons and seems risky to link the success of any brand to one person.
I mena, it's been said, but Tom Cruise. I also can't stand Steve Carell and do not find him funny at all.
I don't care much for celebrities who try to tell people how to vote.
I'm fine with celebrities who encourage you TO vote.

I don't really care for when they give an endorsement or anything like that (someone like Kal Penn is an exception). But the American political landscape and social media have gotten to the point where I feel like people with any significant following think that not only must they pick a side, but they must also publicly declare it. And it's very hard to avoid.

With that said, I can generally find ways to separate the person from the actor.
Actors can't win. Chris Pratt is apparently being harassed on Twitter for refusing to publicly pick a candidate. People fuss because he won't but then people would fuss if he did.

Actors that don't pick a specific candidate can't win. They get harassed on Twitter for it and accused of secretly supporting the other candidate.
That's right- "accused". Apparently it's akin to committing a crime if he is making a different choice, or just not sharing his choice with the Twittiots.
I'm fine with celebrities who encourage you TO vote.

I don't really care for when they give an endorsement or anything like that (someone like Kal Penn is an exception). But the American political landscape and social media have gotten to the point where I feel like people with any significant following think that not only must they pick a side, but they must also publicly declare it. And it's very hard to avoid.

With that said, I can generally find ways to separate the person from the actor.

I agree to a point. I don't like when celebrities endorse particular candidates but I don't mind when they work to bring awareness to particular issues like the work Robert Redford and Leonardo Dicaprio do with environmental issues or like the foundation Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore started to end child sex trafficking. That, I feel, is using their celebrity for a good cause.

That said, I thought it was ridiculous when reporters interviewing teenaged Britney Spears asked her opinion on President Bush declaring war in Iraq and Afghanistan or an even younger Justin Bieber being asked to comment on our Healthcare system.


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