Wk of Nov 9 -- WISH Walking & Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
I happened to be in the neighborhood this evening and thought I'd drop by ;)

I can't believe it's only 9 weeks til marathon weekend. And these 9 weeks will fly by! I had a cutback week and did 4 miles today in 48:46, just a bit above a 12 min mile. I have built up a better mileage base this year than in previous years and feel pretty good with running. I'm hoping that is a good sign.

Tracey...good luck on your race!

Tricia...how was your race?

Wendy...love the Biltmore photos! How far do you live from Asheville?

Jackie...that's cool that your group helped you get your mileage in. Are you the only one training for a full in that group? Congrats to your DD! We played ECU back in the day when I was an undergrad at UCF.

Laurie...I definitely have to eat before the LR, anything over about 6 miles. I'm finding I have to eat afterward too or I get really woozy about an hour later. Maybe all this is why I don't lose weight during training? :rolleyes1

Jeff...take care of that leg!

Chris...how did your back to back go? Feelin' Goofy yet?

Lily...hope your rain clears up!

Vicky...my dogs aren't much on running. One is 14 with a bad back leg, the other is too prissy. She won't even go out in the grass if it's wet. :rolleyes:

Good training everyone!
Hi Everybody!:wave2:

I've been severely MIA lately. Work has been crazy (massive budget cuts) and I haven't done a whole lot of training (Good thing I cancelled the trip to SA that was next weekend! :eek: )

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll be leaving for WDW in 4 days and just in case I don't get back on here, I wanted to wish all our San Antonio participants a great race!

I hope to have all my loose ends tied up by Thanksgiving and hope to be back posting regularly then.

Hi, everyone!!
OK...I've totally lost track of everyone, so will try to get caught back up. Heck, I won't have much else to do as of next week, as my training will be curtailed due to rotator cuff surgery on 11/17. Tore it while out mountain biking...but it was a really fun ride! :goodvibes

The doc says I'll be able to get on a stationary bike soon after surgery, so I hope to maintain some fitness (and miles).

Tri season ended up well about 5 weeks ago, with a 1st place in my AG for my last sprint tri of the season! yay! It was really fun...a laid back event...no pressure...but I ran well for once. :thumbsup2

Been travelling a bunch. Will be in WDW for a conference the week of Dec. 7-11 if anyone is around.

Hope to get down to SA to watch the marathon (my BIL is running), though I'm travelling on Sat. and may be exhausted. Not to mention wanting to get myself together before the surgery. Will keep pondering that this week.

OK...everyone catch me up! :)
Hey folks! How is everyone! I just got back from my 7 miler w/ my SIL. Overall, it was good. I got into the grove of things after Mile 1. Seems the first mile is always the hardest for me... Feet did ok, but the back of my right knee is KILLING me! It was talking to me during the walk/run, but now it's screaming at me! I've iced it and stretching it. Hope that helps!

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

WELCOME to a new week here in the life of the WISH racing team!!!

I had my race this morning. I posted in the RR area. I did PR!! 3.75 miles in 46min 50sec. 12:29pace. Nice weather too, cool at the start about 64 degrees.

Terri: Have a great time at Disney, I'll be at WDW in about 4 weeks!!

Ironz: Sorry to there about the rotator cuff, but does sound like you had a good tri season!!

Stacie: Nice job on the 7 miles, but sorry to hear about the back of the knee. Keeping trying to massage it, try using a tennis ball like Jeff does.

Have a good Sunday everyone!!

(ps, still looking for Duckie, Debra, AMybeth and Scott.)

Racey Tracy
Tracy Great job on your race! At the rate youre going, you will fly at WDW!

I did 6 miles today and it was a bit of a slog, but I made it. One day/one run at a time.

Now it's time for some football, some rest and finish making the carnitas. This is batch two because I left one batch in the oven overnight by accident.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Yummmm Carnitas!!

Thanks Maura (my test track buddy!)
Great race, Racy Tracy! :cheer2: You are one tough cookie to keep up with! I should know! :thumbsup2

I decided at the last minute to do a 5k this morning. So I went and signed up for the 1st annual Run thru Roseville 5k. I had been a little sick from my flu shot on Thursday (and yes, Jeff, I still believe it was the shot! ;)) so I had no great expectations, just wanted to go out. It was a fairly boring race, an out and back course. But at least I did it. I needed to do a race in November anyway so as not to break my streak. I have done at lease one event every month since May! :banana: Can't stop now!

Have a great week everyone!
I posted over at the race report a HUGE race report (almost mile by mile) but the short story is at least now I can say I have done a half marathon and I am happy with the results - 2:31 11:33 MPM pace - I am a little sore now but I am sure I will be ok. I go on vacation next weekend though - we go every year to the NASCAR races in Homestead (last race of the year) and we always stay in the Keys (and then stay there for a few more days - the 18th is our anniversary - and relax) I am still trying to figure out how I am going to feel like doing 13 miles when I am down there. So I am going to be in vaca mode the whole week!!

Stacie - I know what you mean about the first mile is the toughest!! Great job on getting the 7 miler done.

Maura - great job on sticking it out and getting your 6 miler done and yum on the carnitas

Betsy - Congrats on 1st in the Tri - I eventually want to try a Tri (LOL) Hope your surgery goes well and recovery time is minimal.

Good luck training everyone and have a great start to the week - I think I might need to go take a nap!! LOL
Racy Tracy, way to represent girl! Trophy for your house, sweet! Good going, proud of you :cool1:.

Michelle, way to stick to your race despite being under the weather. Beats listing a "Did not start". :yay:

Tricia, no worries about getting to the full. The massive sea of humanity will keep you going. Keep telling yourself you're going to succeed, and you will. :thumbsup2

Stacie, ice that knee!

Betsy, don't rush the recovery from surgery. :)

Hi Mel & Terri, thanks for checking in.

Maura, me hungry. Do you deliver?:rotfl:

I headed out for what I intended to be a 8 mile jog. Well having warmed up ever so slowly, the calf was feeling good. Long story short, I ended up doing 19+ miles at a slow steady pace. Wogged a bit in the last 3 miles, but got it done.

My calf feels alright (maybe 90% healed), but some soreness in the back of the knee. I chalk it up to the muscles having a full week off, and now they're asking "what the heck is going on dude?" :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Ice bath, then off to go catfishing in the afternoon.

Aloha Oe Team!
Mel - Feeling goofy and beat down today (Of course I'm hanging Christmas lights so that may be it too.) They were pretty tuff on me and I don't know why. Not sure if it was the weather or what. Mentally I just wasn't there, but I'm glad I finished both runs.

Tracy - Congrats on your PR.

Stacie - Hope your knee feels better and it's nothing serious.

Tricia - Congrats on your first half. That's Awesome! :cheer2: Enjoy the race. Go Jr!!!

Jeff - Um what. I can understand maybe doing 9 instead of 8, but 19+ WOW. Great job! Glad to hear the calf is better.
Tracy - Congrats on your PR.

Jeff - Um what. I can understand maybe doing 9 instead of 8, but 19+ WOW. Great job! Glad to hear the calf is better.

Thanks, and oh, that's Jeff for you. "I am feeling alittle funny today and my toe hurts maybe I'll do 8 miles", he comes back doing 20!! He's such a funny guy!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Michelle, way to stick to your race despite being under the weather. Beats listing a "Did not start". :yay:

Well having warmed up ever so slowly, the calf was feeling good. Long story short, I ended up doing 19+ miles at a slow steady pace.

Good thing about it is that it wouldn't have technically been a "did not start" anyway since I did not even sign up until I got there this morning!!! :thumbsup2 But now I'm a little upset. Got out of the shower and put on my race shirt and the stupid thing has a hole in it!!! :mad: :sad2:

And yeah, the whole 8 miler turning into a 19+ miler!?!? You are CRAAAAZZZYY!

As if there was any doubt....:lmao:
Mel - Everyone else in our group has already done their marathons for the year (or they're running this weekend or tapering for next weekend), so I'm the only one left doing big mileage now.

Betsy - OUCH! :eek: Good luck with the surgery - glad the ride was fun!

Stacie - Great job on the 7 miles. :thumbsup2 Take good care of that knee.

Tracy - Congratulations on your PR this morning! :cool1: You are indeed Racy Tracy!

Michelle - I'd agree it's the flu shot. My doctor wouldn't give me mine during my physical since it was 5 days before my half - he was afraid it would make me feel too bad! :sick: Great job getting out there this morning!

Tricia - CONGRATULATIONS!! :cheer2: Just read your race report and had to laugh. I had the exact same thought last weekend during my half at around mile 11 - how in the heck am I going to run 26.2 in January if I'm ready to stop running now? :worried: I guess we'll just have to pull each other through!

Jeff - You are NOT RIGHT! ;) No one goes out for 8 and ends up doing 19+! :confused3 Didn't we tell you to take it easy? Oh, I'm sorry, I guess you were taking it easy... maybe you could have done the full 26? Glad the calf is feeling better! :)

Jackie: Thanks - I keep meaning to tell you that when I scroll through your posts and then your dog comes up I always think Fozzie the Bear from the Muppets.
Jackie: Thanks - I keep meaning to tell you that when I scroll through your posts and then your dog comes up I always think Fozzie the Bear from the Muppets.

How's this one? DD just took it this afternoon. She's a little in need of a good brushing, but we're holding off until her bare spots fill in once the thyroid medication kicks in!


Jackie: Very nice looking dog!!

Here is a photo snapped of me at Tradewinds Park after the 6K with my little trophy.


Hi WISH Team!

Mel, good to see you are doing so well. I know with that base you’ve built up it is all good for you from here.

Jeff, glad your calf is feeling better but I'd say you really tempted fate with all those miles. Hope all is well and that you do good with your upcoming event.

Tracy, good job getting the trophy.

Jackie, nice pup pic. Glad the meds are working. I am happy you’ve got a good group to help you train.

Terri, sorry about work getting in the way of your training. Hope that you can find a way to get some steps in. Sounds like you might be needing a stress reliever with all the work issues.

Betsy, congrats on the placing in your tri. Sorry that you need surgery, PD that it goes smoothly and recovery is easy and quick.

Stacie, hope your knee is feeling better.

Chris, you hanging Christmas lights already. We’ve not had enough snow yet. Aren’t you supposed to do that in the snow?

I did my LR 14 miles yesterday. It was beautiful and 40 degrees--my kind of weather. Ugh, I am definitely undertrained and not certain about the January event. I got it done, but it really was not purty. Spent today recovering.
Tracy, love the self portrait. A little bit too much of the roof of your car. LOL.

Michelle, did the needle and tread come out to fix your shirt?

Way to go Lily! So how's retirement treating you?

Yes everyone, I belong to Panda Dave's "You Ain't Right Club" aka YARC. This was my last long run, and I begin to taper for the 12/14 marathon.

Spent the afternoon catfishing at our reservoir. Our group caught about a dozen keepers. I caught a mutant one, it only had one eye. Nothing where the other one was supposed to be. Weird!:eek:




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