Wk of Nov 9 -- WISH Walking & Running Club

Vicky - Last 2 years it has been 85 adn 90-100% humidity fro teh races. Last year, it went down to teh 40s teh next day. :confused3 3 years ago, it was 34 at teh start of teh full and 67 at teh finish. It did not get that warm fro the half.
Checking in. Hope everyone is well.

Ran 7 miles this morning. It was tough. Pace was 11:16. I still feel yucky. I almost feel like I have mono or something. Two weeks now of yucky feeling runs. Ran a total of 18 miles this week. Average pace for the week was 11:15, never could break 11:00. I thought I was past that. Oh, well. I'm officially signed up now for the 10K Gobble Jog and I really have to mentally prepare myself for the fact I might not beat last year's time. I'm very hard on myself for such a slow person! :lmao:

How's everyone's training going for January? Everyone excited?
Have a nice weekend fellow WISHers! :grouphug:
Vicky – Sorry you had to deal with the rude people at the track multiple times. How irritating!

Kristi – 30 something kids? Yuck! I bet you were glad when that run was over.

Maura – Great job getting the miles done. Hope your legs are feeling better!

Tracy – How was the massage? I’m so jealous.

Chris – Great job on the 6-miler!

Jeff – Nice job on the 8-miler!

Carrie – Whoa, 45 second laps? I can’t even imagine!

Claire – It does sound like you’ve been keeping busy! Good to see you.

Shan – Sorry you’re having some crummy runs. Is your 10K on Thanksgiving morning? Hope it goes well!

Me - Thanks to everyone for the input and encouragement on the Turkey Trot. We've had a slight change of plans - DH and DS got attacked by a deer the other night. They're both fine, no injuries at all, but my car is going to be out for repairs for a couple of weeks. It really did a number on the driver's side doors!

So, I decided that the baby and I will go spend Thanksgiving week at my Grandma's house. There's a Turkey Trot going on there, and it's actually 4 miles instead of 5, so I'm definitely going to give it a shot! :)
Yikes Ang. Glad your DH and DS are OK, but sorry about the car!

Ya, our Gobble Jog is Thanksgiving morning. Makes me feel less guilty about stuffing myself later. :lmao: Our girls will spend the night with the in-laws so we don't have to wake them up early.
I read somewhere that the average person burns 760cal in a 10K jog. The average Thanksgiving meal is 750cal. (Not sure if the number are exactly right) But you can actually burn off your Thanksgiving meal is you do a 10K that day!!

Ang: The Massage was good, but my MT said my lower back and hips were way out of wack, so he worked on that for some time. My left shin is still bothering me, so elevating and icing right now after my easy 4 miles today.

Shan: I'm sending you lots of :flower3: pixiedust: :wizard: to help you feel better.

Did anyone catch the Shuttle Launch last night???? I actually can see it from my house even though it is about 210miles North of me (about a 3 1/2 hour drive). I watch it on TV for about 10-15sec and then run outside and look directly north of me. I saw the flames from the rockets trailing in the sky then I saw the boosters separate from the shuttle and then a small bright light (looks like a star) travel slowly towards the heavens. It is so cool and never gets boring. Would love to see one live at the Space Center.

AFM: I did an easy 4 miles today. Left shin still bothering me a bit. I am icing it right now. I am trying something new this Half Marathon. In the past I would jog a bit every mile. This time I am jogging every 10 min. SO I am racewalking for 10 min and then joggin for a min. I think this will help my overall time. I figure this will be my 6th Half Marathon and I am over the fear of totally exhausting myself and fearing being swept. Now I just want to finish sooner.
I am getting EXCITED about January!!!!Can't wait for the WISH meet!!

I have a 9 miler on tap for my training tomorrow the weather should be nice hear in S. FL.

And Yes Jeff, I can keep people up to date about the weather. But remember that FL weather can change in a day, so kinda be prepared for cool or warm or showers. This year the Half had nice weather the year before was warm. Also the night before the Full this year it rained and it rained alittle during the Full.

Have a great training day everyone!!!

Racey Tracy
Hey Vicky, I have a suggestion for dealing with Ren and Stimpy. Know what a "Farmer's Blow"is? :rolleyes1

I just have no tolerance anymore for people who are nothing but rude and inconsiderate! :mad:
Hi All,
Haven't posted in the weekly thread in a while. Seems like I just sign in, scan a few quick messages, post my miles to the Buzz team then off I go.

I will go back and read the earlier posts, I promise :)

Ran 40.5 miles this week which includes a 5K PR on Tuesday. Did 8 miles Friday and 17 today. Running a longer run the night before my long run is taxing. I get pretty tired around mile 14.

Have a great week everyone.
I'm thinking I just may use my new WISH Long Sleeve shirt tomorrow, when I leave for my 9 miles it will be 64!!



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