Wk of Nov 9 -- WISH Walking & Running Club

I was only able to mange 2 miles walking yesterday - I did it on the TM at 3 mph - nice and slow - I got bored after 40 minutes. My legs are starting to feel better but are still sore. So I probably won't get anything in today or tomorrow since I have plans after work and then Thursday I am going to be busy packing for my NASCAR/Keys trip - on top of trying to figure out how to fit in a 13 mile long run and then another 5 mile and another 6 mile run on the days I will be away. Might not get them all in - at least its still early enough in my marathon training to catch up.

There is just no way I could run all those laps on an indoor track just to get to one mile - I have never seen or heard of a gym around here with an indoor track so I guess I can't picture it. If it was my only choice besides freezing my butt off I guess I will have survive. LOL
Tricia: Not many gyms have indoor tracks around this neck of the woods. Florida weather really doesn't call for places to have it.

I HATE the dreadmill for anything over 4 miles. I also just would go LOOPy doing loops or lap around a track, especially an indoor track. I definately like the ol "out and back" concept. Go out and away to the half way point in your miles and then turn around and head home.

Went to a new park tonight out by work. It is actually on the edge of the Everglades. Called Weston Regonial Park. Has like 8 soccer fields, 6 baseball fields, 8 outdoor rinks for roller hockey, 5 picnic pavilions, 8 outdoor basketball courts, 4 beach vollyball courts, a YMCA and their pool. The walkways are nicely lit and it about a mile and a half around the outter walkway.

Hope everyone had a nice Veteran's Day.

Winter is here. It dropped to 85 degrees in the shade. We took our chances, and ventured outdoors. :lmao:




Mel – Good to see you! Glad to hear that your training is going well!

Betsy – Rotator cuff surgery? Ouch! I hope that it goes well and that you have a quick recovery. Congrats on the 1st place – that rocks!

Stacie – WTG on the 7 miler. I hope your knee is feeling better!

Tracy – Congrats on the new PR!

Michelle – One race per month? That’s awesome! Sorry to hear that you’ve been under the weather.

Tricia – WTG on completing your first half! You did awesome!

Jeff – Glad your calf is feeling better!

Vicky – Sounds like a great weekend! Great job getting those miles in, and glad to hear that they were pain free. Too funny about the running group.

Carrie – That indoor track sounds brutal! 12 laps per mile? WTG on getting it done!

Liz – WTG on the 10 miles.

Chris – Great job on the 6 miler. Funny how fast it can go from light to dark!

Kristi – Hey! Good to see you!

Me - I've got nothing. Still hard to find both the time and the energy to get out there! Quick question - I really want to do a local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, but it's a 5-miler. Am I crazy for even thinking about it? The longest walk I've done in months is just short of 2 miles. I'm worried that jumping up from that to 5 miles in 2 weeks is just asking for trouble. :confused3
Ang: I don't think your crazy... You have done a 2, Now try to get up to about a 3-4 and then the 5 miler will be like a training day of adding mileage.
Thats the way I would see it. If its something you want to do, then gear up for it and do it!!.

Cheering Tracy :cheer2:
Ang - I agree with Tracy. Is there a time limit? If not, just take it easy and add those extra miles in teh next 2 weeks to get to 4.
Hi everyone! I went out last night for my 3 miler. I managed to get an average pace of 10.25 m/m. I'm getting closer and closer to an even 10. Well, okay... to be fair it was at a track so it was pretty flat. :rotfl:

I was surprised to see two women walking on the track last night. It was nice to have some other people around but part of me couldn't help but feel annoyed. The ladies just seemed to be out for a leisurely stroll but they were walking on the inside lane - I also heard them mumble some rude things every time I passed them. Not sure if they couldn't hear me coming up behind them and maybe I startled them but I started thinking that maybe a dark track wasn't the best place for an evening walk if they were so oblivious to things going on around them. :confused3

Ok, rant over :goodvibes Anyway I'm back out tonight for some interval training which I think should equal about 3 miles. The forecast is calling for showers but I'm hoping it holds off until after I'm done running.

Tricia/Tracy - I'm not a fan of the TM either. There's an indoor track around the corner from DF's house. The funny thing is, it goes around a skating rink so it's probably not much warmer than running outdoors :laughing:

Ang - I think you can do the 5 miler! I agree with the advice Tracy gave you. If you can get yourself up to 3-4 miles, you'll be okay.

Take care everyone!
Vicky - I feel your track pain! I often get a pair I like to call Ren & Stimpy. I have no idea why, that just pops in my head. The walk along very leisurely, gabbing, and taking up both lanes of the track. They do not care. I have tried stomping my feet extra hard, etc. and they will not move. :mad:

Tonight I had to contend with the 30 kids from you-know-where let loose on the track. :scared1:
MAYBE they should teach these kids about track etiquette? Just an idea.
The kids were so crazy they even ended up taking one of their own out.
She had very scraped up hands.
I was bumped into quite a few times and had to dodge rugrats many times.

Just in general, why do people not have manners any more?

3.5 miles of w4/r1:
hey everyone just popping in to say hi!!!!

Everyone is doing so good with their training!!!!
Kristi: I hear ya about little childrens running around crazy on a track. Every Tuesdays when I do a few laps around an outside track on my 4 mile route there are cheerleaders messing around and I have to dodge them.

I am off from work today and I have a massage on tap. Think I need it after my Sunday race that I did. Then I have a 4 miler on tap and then some college football. My 'Canes versus Va Tech.

Have a great day everyone.

TracyTake me with you when you go for your massage! I don't have one very often--okay, hardly ever. But I have a B-day coming up in the next few weeks (the big 5-0) and have decided to take the day off and treat myself to whatever I want--massage included!

Did my 4.3 miles today and that was that. Does someone want to switch legs with me? I feel great from the waist up, but awful from the waist down!

Hey everyone! How's your training going?

Tracy enjoy the game, the day off and the message.

Jeff I get jealous every single time I see your pictures. :rolleyes1
I enjoy my seasons don't get me wrong I just hate Winter other than Christmas. :cool1:

Ang - I think you can get it done. Just try and squeeze in a 3 and 4 miler in the next couple weeks. Gotta earn that meal right? :yay:

As for me I did another 6 miler and for the first time I can remember I did it in under 60 minutes. OK it was 59:48, but still just under 10 minute miles. Way faster than my Goofy pace will be, but still it feels good.
Hi everyone! I ran 2.75 miles last night. I did some speed work at the track. I managed to run a couple of the laps a little faster than I did last week. So now my fastest time is 2 minutes 3 seconds or 8:12 m/m. I'm still amazed that so many people are able to run that fast naturally. I really have to push to go that fast.

Kristi - You made me laugh at the Ren & Stimpy comment!! I think that's a perfect description! And yes, I have no idea what's happened to manners. 30 kids - yikes!

Tracy - Enjoy your massage! I'm going for one next Monday evening.

Chris - Awesome time on your 6 miler!! Keep it up!

Maura - I feel like that after my LR ... at least when I go up and down the stairs. I usually end up walking sideways.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Chris - That's an aweseome pace fro 6! While it won' tbe your Goofy pace, teh faster you can do the shorter ones, teh faster teh long ons will be.

Tracy - So jealous. I would love massage. Just can't justify it right now, though. :(

Maura - No way! You can't be turning teh big 5-0! NOt possible! I'd love to hear the full schedule of teh just for you day. I may have to wipe teh drool off my computer, though.

Vicki - Way to go on those fast laps. SOme can do it naturally, but I think it must mean more when you have to work for it, right? That's what i'm tellign myself. ;)
Who killed this tread?

I cranked out a speedy 8 miles in 8:27 mile pace. It was quite hot out, 84 degrees after the sun went down. Oh well, just prepping for Florida, in case it's humid again.

Happy Aloha Friday everyone!
Happy Friday everyone! I went out last night for a quick 3-miler. Went a bit slower because I had stomach cramps. I saw my "Ren & Stimpy" friends back on the track - this time they brought a friend so there were three of them walking in a row! I kind of get the feeling that they're not moving on purpose now because their friend heard me running and tried to get them to move over but they were budging. I don't get who purposely walks on a deserted track at night and can't be bothered to turn around to see who's coming behind them - I mean what if I were a mugger? Ah... what do I know? :rolleyes: Overall it was a good run! :goodvibes

Today is my rest day but I'm hoping to get back out tomorrow for a run. The forecast is calling for heavy rain all day so I may end up doing my LR on Sunday and then 3.5 miles on my TM (yeech!) ... Or... I could do 3.5 miles outside in the rain - would that motivate me to run faster :rotfl:

Jeff - What is the humidity like in Florida in January? I've never been to WDW at that time of year.

Carrie - It sure does! At least for me anyway. I'll be really happy when I can get my one fast lap to below 2 minutes :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Carrie - It sure does! At least for me anyway. I'll be really happy when I can get my one fast lap to below 2 minutes :)
Can you believe my goal fro the mile in track was always 45 second laps???:scared1: What's really sad is that I used to eb able to do it. Sorry about the track hogs. Ugh.

Hittin' the roa dtonight. I'll see WISHers tomorrow! WOo hoo!!!
I don't get who purposely walks on a deserted track at night and can't be bothered to turn around to see who's coming behind them - I mean what if I were a mugger?

Jeff - What is the humidity like in Florida in January? I've never been to WDW at that time of year.


Go get a airhorn, and blast them each time you come up behind them. :laughing:

Florida's weather was really weird last January, cold, windy, warm, foggy, humid, thunder and lightning, then cold again. This was between 1/1-1/15/08.

I think the best thing would be if Tracy can update us with weather reports during the week leading up to race week. Also for those who arrive on site early, and can post the weather from WDW.
Mel: I like your pace! I may be keeping you company during the race...or at least playing leapfrog! I definitely have to eat before and after I run or my stomach lets me know rather loudly that I'm in trouble. Weight??? What weight? :angel: :rolleyes:

Terri: I know what you mean about being busy busy busy. I'm hoping for a post Thanksgiving reprieve also.

Betsy: :thumbsup2 on the AG award! And good luck and pixie dust for your surgery :wizard:

Stacie: My first mile is always the hardest too. I huff and puff through it, but then I'm fine. I guess it just takes a while for my body to get through the start up procedures!

Tracy: Congrats on the PR :banana:

Maura: Was the oven on?? :scared1: Bet that smelled ...tasty.

Tricia: Great job on the race! :woohoo: I like your pace too! I may buddy up with you during the race (depending on how dead I am from Sat!)

Jeff: How on earth do you go from 8 miles to 19 miles??? You are nuts dude! How did that not break the 10% rule? I've done an oops extra 2, but extra 11?? wow ewww freaky fish...

Jackie: What a cutie!

Chris: nooooo no Christmas lights until after Thanksgiving. it's ludicrous, it's sacrileg, it's shocking. that's why there's no snow. humph. you are goofy. Nice run.

Vicky: LOL I soo do that!

Jen: A 20 miler on a track...you are nuts...or goofy...

Kristi:"Just in general, why do people not have manners any more?" Because parents don't teach them and get offended if other people try to do so.

I've been super busy with school. I just found out that most grad students don't normally take 15 hours of grad credit....well oops on me.

Last weekend I got to go to a cooked candy workshop and cookie swap...oh the yumminess...luckily I had classmates that I could off some of the 90 cookies onto!

I've also been going nuts b/c I'm making/decorating wedding cakes and cupcakes for two of my friends. It's fun though and it's something I would love to do full time.

Next weekend I'm going on a trip to the Houston Greek Fest (for my Festival class) so I'm having to bump all my runs up so my long run is on Thursday instead of Friday...16 miles in a new place not exactly my thing. (now 6 or 8 and I'm all good!).

Oh the insanity...I'm glad I have running to keep me level headed!


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