Your Favorite Photograph that YOU have taken on Disney Grounds

This is one of my favorites, just because I happened to get a bird, the monorail, and a water mouse all at the same time.
I am a beginner at photography and until a week ago I had nothing more than a standard point&soot digital camera. These were both taken from my trip in June 2011 on auto on that old point&shoot camera.

The first, taken at night, was a true "luck" shot. It started to rain fairly hard so my DBF and I were leaving the park rather quickly. As we passed Prince Charming's Carousel I realized I had not yet taken a picture of it. I quickly turned, snapped a shot, and left. While blurry, I love the way it came out.


This next one was a picture that I took during that same trip. While I did set up this shot, it was again on auto mode using a point&shoot digital. I just love how it came out.

I flip flop on my favorite all the time but this one comes out on top quite often. Epcot is my favorite park, I love shooting the sunrise, and I love being one of the first to enter the parks so this one captures all of that:

Good Morning Epcot Center! by -Jamian-, on Flickr
I'm a bit of an 'in-between' with the camera. I 've been taking pictures for a while, but I'm definitely NOT a professional. Also, I don't have just one favorite Disney picture!





These are favorites largely because they were the very first long-exposure shots I had ever taken. First time using a tripod, first time using bulb mode, first time getting the "ghosting" effect with movement...

It was 2009, and I'd had my first SLR for just over a year at that point.

From the lovely little Nikon D60, a kit lens, and a $20 Walmart tripod...

Technicolor Terror by nicole_lynn_, on Flickr

Splendor by nicole_lynn_, on Flickr

Another Perspective on the Sorcerer's Hat by nicole_lynn_, on Flickr
Great pics everyone. Looks like we need to buy a new camera for this year's trip!!! :worship: I guess I have mother's day, anniversary and birthday presents to buy before our trip....don't tell my wife my secret plan....:rotfl2:
This is one of my favorites. From a photography perspective, there is so much wrong with the shot; but from a personal one, it's awesome. It just summed up so much about my daughter's love of Disney and the fun we have together in this one frozen moment in time :love:


And just for fun, one that makes me smile when I look at it:

My very own little Miss Potato Head (through the viewfinder I didn't notice she had changed her pose from the sweet smile she had when I raised my eye to the camera to take the shot so when I saw it on the laptop screen backing up later that night I was :lmao: )

I don't think I can choose just one photo!

WDW Summer 2005 00585 by disneylifeguard, on Flickr
This one, while it doesn't appear to be at Disney, it was taken during Flower and Garden Festival in 2005.

MIckey Hand Slide HDR Portrait - Version 2 by disneylifeguard, on Flickr
We just got back from a MR cruise on the Wonder and I have been playing with some HDR photography!

Tiger Face II by disneylifeguard, on Flickr
While this picture was heavily photoshopped, I was really lucky to get this shot with no reflection of the glass!

Taken last July during our stay at the Beach Club. I sat on our balcony for a very, very long time during an approaching lightning storm snapping photo after photo until I captured this one! :thumbsup2


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