That 70's Thread!

Wow,,I'm so sorry that you had to grow up with such bad choice in music :sad2: and hair.


Me too too. Fortunately I was raised on music from the 50's through the 70's. :thumbsup2 Thank goodness for old 45's! :lmao:

I did sport pretty large hair at one time myself though....:rotfl:

Yep, that would mess you up, alright!! :rotfl2:

LBJ was responsible for the loss of a few of my classmates. :headache: & :sad1:
He was an arrogant jerk.

The best speech he ever gave was on March 31, 1968 which included, (and I quote): "Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President."

Vietnam was a little before my time, but I've known a couple of people later in life who were affected by it. Very sad. I agree with you on every point.

Wish I could hear that speech again. :rolleyes:

You Tube. Betcha it's on there.

As promised, here are a few retro pix.

First up is KFD at the formica covered table. Notice the harvest gold AND avacado green flowers all over it. Don't overlook the harvest gold phone....complete with cords and a DIAL! Incidentally, this is the only pic I could find that included the eagle w/red velvet background. Sorry is not a great photo.


Christmas 1976

Me, Dad, Cousin, Bro you see it?

It's PLAID!!!!!! KFD is wearing PLAID!!!!!

It's not just for the Fort you know. :rotfl2:


Check out the flooring! Wow!

Who remembers the coveted "Jump-O-line"?

Bet you can't find a TV like that at Best Buy! :lmao: The picture used to shrink down to a small band in the center of the TV and we had to bang on the top to stretch it back out. :sad2:


Wowie! I was just noticing what graced the countertop back then.

A very old radio, blender, Avacado Green Tupperware cannisters, popcorn popper (I have one just like it), Avacado Green perculator.

I actually have one of those magnetic chalkboard thingings...not the same one, but when I found one in a consignment shop I couldn't help myself.

KFK - I trust that phone had about a 20 ft cord on it so you could drag it to another room for privacy? :lmao:
LBJ was responsible for the loss of a few of my classmates. :headache: & :sad1:

Since you graduated in 1972 and the last US ground combat troops left VN in August 1972, it couldn't have been very many! I met LBJ when I commanded the color guard at the dedication of his library in May 1971 in Austin. He spent quite a bit of time talking privately to us and apologized profusely to us for getting us all involved in Vietnam. I was very uncomfortable, but I always thought he was sincere in his apology.
Great pics, KFK!! Thanks for digging those up. Love the kitchen, love the old TV and phone, and LOVE the plaid. :lmao:

And when I mentioned I wanted to hear LBJ's speech again, I didn't mean the original delivered by him. I would like to hear it delivered by someone else. Say, sometime early in 2012.

Nuff said.
I'm changing your name to Honest Kim. What you promise you deliver. Great job on all your reporting.

Thanks. I try to follow through. Glad you liked the pix. :goodvibes

KFK - I trust that phone had about a 20 ft cord on it so you could drag it to another room for privacy? :lmao:

Nope. You had to sit in the chair right by the phone. No privacy. Believe me, when I say that it's no fun trying to talk to your boyfriend of the week with your dad on the other side of the table staring back at you. :lmao:

Great pics, KFK!! Thanks for digging those up. Love the kitchen, love the old TV and phone, and LOVE the plaid. :lmao:

And when I mentioned I wanted to hear LBJ's speech again, I didn't mean the original delivered by him. I would like to hear it delivered by someone else. Say, sometime early in 2012.

Nuff said.

You're more than welcome. Those photos are a hoot aren't they? :rotfl:

Duh! I should have caught on to the comment about the LBJ speech. I'd like to hear it again myself! Perhaps sometime in 2011? We can always hope. :thumbsup2
Since you graduated in 1972 and the last US ground combat troops left VN in August 1972, it couldn't have been very many! I met LBJ when I commanded the color guard at the dedication of his library in May 1971 in Austin. He spent quite a bit of time talking privately to us and apologized profusely to us for getting us all involved in Vietnam. I was very uncomfortable, but I always thought he was sincere in his apology.

I had friends that graduated in 70, 71 & 72 that died in VN. One friend that graduated in 1971 had draft #1 in the draft lottery. Thankfully - he was drafted, but did not end up in VN. After reading a biography on Bobby Kennedy in which Bobby relayed what happened on Air Force One after Kennedy was assassinated, I doubt LBJ was sincere about anything unless it made him look good. LBJ was outraged with Bobby because Bobby rushed on to AF1 the minute it landed at Camp David and took over with the unloading of both JFK's body & getting Jackie off the plane. LBJ had staged a photo op to show him comforting the grieving and stunned widow as they disembarked the plane. LBJ ordered the flag-draped coffin to be unloaded, placed in a location close to the stairway, and for the news media to wait until he & Jackie were standing beside the coffin before the interview stared. He literally ordered Lady Byrd to stay on the plane until the news interview was over. Bobby ruined LBJ's first television interview as the new president and LBJ never forgave Bobby Kennedy. LBJ did not deserve any respect. But hey, that belongs in the 60's thread. Sorry!
My house circa 1976....


Harvest Gold Kitchen


Notice the green shag carpeting. The walls ARE gold, not photo changed by age.


The kitchen in my 1978 Cobra Class C Motor Home. Look real close & you will see where we were staying when this picture was taken.


L - R: NTSammy5, DES1954, Big Al (1919-1981). Christmas 1970
Remember the 70's gas crunches?


Arab oil embargoes, long lines at the gas stations, odd/even days to buy gas...and crappy little cars churned out overnight to meet the demand.

Like this one:


And this one, with explosive acceleration:


And one more piece of junk from that era:

Deb - I think we had that same couch at our house! Did it have a little bit of shiny-ness to it?
Oh, and Dave - we had a Chevette! It ended up getting passed down through all FOUR of us kids - by the time I took my driving test in it, we had the hatchback held closed with a bungee cord! :lmao:
Deb - I think we had that same couch at our house! Did it have a little bit of shiny-ness to it?

Yes, it did! That was the most comfortable couch in the world!! I wanted to have it reupholstered, but it would have cost more than what I paid for the couch to begin with!

And in answer to Dave's question.....YES! There is only ONE G.S. cookie, and that is a Thin Mint! No Samoa's, no Do-Si-Do's, no Trefoils,,,,none of those!!! Only Thin Mints!! :goodvibes


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