Attention Potential Renters - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE

I don't know that anyone has suggested that the number of posts is any indication of integrity. Reviewing past posts is mentioned as one tool to get a feeling about anyone renting to others - but not the only tool.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering about why a low number of posts would be an integrity issue myself. I think a lot of renting happens "behind the scenes" in private e-mails and phone calls after the initial posting and of course that wouldn't show up on the disboards.
I have requested a business email when possible. I've also checked that a person worked where they said they did (usually can be done by calling the company's automated phone line or by looking on the company's web site).
I think that someone with low(er) post counts (such as myself) who are DVC owners in good standing, should not be judged by the number of posts....but by the content of the posts we make! I myself do not have the time to sit for hours at a time on any board...let alone my beloved Dis Board! I have to be very selective with my computer time, especially with my younger children. I don't want them to feel like mommy is always on the computer. I run a home based business, and it is a huge challenge for me NOT to be on the computer at all hours of the day! I know many other DVC owners share my feelings. I am in the very beginning process of renting out a reservation we already made for august will be our first time renting our points out...and it is scary on both sides of the fence! I am waiting for my post to be approved on the R/T board.

So, to wrap it up....we lower post-ers are still avid Disney fans...with a need to be on the DisBoards a few times a year...not every day. I am thankful that this board exists for all of us! I use it before every single confirmed vacation and to get ideas for upcoming vacations.
Thanks for listening! And thanks for doing such a great job moderating these boards! They are the best!

A low post-count Mommy of a Disney loving family!!:cutie: (sounds like I have a medical condition....LOL)

We certainly welcome low post count posters to our boards here as well!

The point being made was that a low post count in conjunction with other warning signs does make buyer beware in order. The people who have gotten burned in the past sure wish they had been more cautious and we are just encouraging those who rent to be prudent in their decisions.

Better safe than sorry!
I guess low post counts are one of the variables to consider along with the "due diligence" -- but I like the sponsor idea -- thanks for the link in the thread. My name will soon have a sponsor banner.

We have a few dogs and fair amount of points at SSR -- I certainly foresee renting points in the future if my travel is hampered due to dog care.

The R/T board is a perfect fit.

Thanks for the board DIS.

I think that someone with low(er) post counts (such as myself) who are DVC owners in good standing, should not be judged by the number of posts....but by the content of the posts we make! I myself do not have the time to sit for hours at a time on any board...let alone my beloved Dis Board! I have to be very selective with my computer time, especially with my younger children. I don't want them to feel like mommy is always on the computer. I run a home based business, and it is a huge challenge for me NOT to be on the computer at all hours of the day! I know many other DVC owners share my feelings. I am in the very beginning process of renting out a reservation we already made for august will be our first time renting our points out...and it is scary on both sides of the fence! I am waiting for my post to be approved on the R/T board.

So, to wrap it up....we lower post-ers are still avid Disney fans...with a need to be on the DisBoards a few times a year...not every day. I am thankful that this board exists for all of us! I use it before every single confirmed vacation and to get ideas for upcoming vacations.
Thanks for listening! And thanks for doing such a great job moderating these boards! They are the best!

A low post-count Mommy of a Disney loving family!!:cutie: (sounds like I have a medical condition....LOL)


I always took *low post count* to mean no posts anywhere but Rent/Trade I am an owner and do not have tons of posts but the fact I do engage in normal conversation should show that I am at least a real person.

But if I had zero post except R/T and joined that day I would hope people would check a bit further than the usual checks.
I, too, appreciate the opportunity say thank you. I am not a DVC owner, rather a person who loves Disney and reads this board often. I would like to share my recent experience in the hope that someone else benefits.... I had the opportunity to purchase a rental from "E-bay". I had a room only reservation at the BC 1 B/R for $3240 through Disney. I saw a rental advertised for $1650, BW 1 B/R, for the same vacation dates on EBay. I jumped on it, posting a bid. I then came back to the board, as I read when I have an upcoming trip planned....I stubbled across the posts for rentals....I read every piece of information I could and became extremely nervous.....I posted a question, "Would you purchase a rental from E-bay?"..Thank goodness that JimMIA and ???(can't remember, sorry) answered....I went back to the seller and asked specific questions based upon the advice, such as, "Would you be willing to do a conference call with member services when placing the reservation in my name?" She didn't know who "member services" was...when I asked her what the view was, her response was "just ask for a view and they will give it to you when you get there." Please! Anyway, based upon the questions and answers I reviewed that were suggested by the posts on the DIS board, I felt so uncomfortable....I asked if she was the DVC member, and she came back with a statement "I have a confirmation that I will place in your name when payment is received. I don't know what you mean by DVC member." I asked to have the transaction cancelled....I was advised by several DIS board members that a timeshare transfer is risky, mainly, what if the dues weren't paid by the original member? Again, I'm not a DVC member, but memory tells me that it is not permitted for a time-share exchanger to sell the vacation...My bid was withdrawn and the seller came back to tell me that she listed the wrong dates, and had to remove it anyway. It never showed up again on EBay. I did; however, obtain a rental from a member from Ebay. I would have preferred to deal with someone on the DIS board; but after speaking with her directly, asking the proper questions and feeling very comfortable, we negotiated a deal....While it was not $1650 for a 1BR, it was enough savings over Disney to cover the dining plan.....My point being that I believe the posts and members of the board saved me from loosing $1650.....I would like to add that the person I ultimately purchased the rental from, is the DVC owner, and during our first conversation, my gut instinct told me the transaction was on the up and up.....she had a contract she emailed me, asked for a $200 deposit and I sent the balance upon obtaining the final confirmation....She willingly gave me her work number, home phone, cell phone, email and address. My gut instinct told me the initial deal was, for lack of a better word, shady. We all must follow our instincts and not get caught up in saving a few bucks...I, too, don't post much, but I read a lot and I knew the risk factor I was taking, but I made what I believe to be an informed decision because of the advice and posts on this board....everyone should do their homework....and thank you, thank you, thank you, to all.....
I, too, appreciate the opportunity say thank you. I am not a DVC owner, rather a person who loves Disney and reads this board often. I would like to share my recent experience in the hope that someone else benefits.... I had the opportunity to purchase a rental from "E-bay". I had a room only reservation at the BC 1 B/R for $3240 through Disney. I saw a rental advertised for $1650, BW 1 B/R, for the same vacation dates on EBay. I jumped on it, posting a bid. I then came back to the board, as I read when I have an upcoming trip planned....I stubbled across the posts for rentals....I read every piece of information I could and became extremely nervous.....I posted a question, "Would you purchase a rental from E-bay?"..Thank goodness that JimMIA and ???(can't remember, sorry) answered....I went back to the seller and asked specific questions based upon the advice, such as, "Would you be willing to do a conference call with member services when placing the reservation in my name?" She didn't know who "member services" was...when I asked her what the view was, her response was "just ask for a view and they will give it to you when you get there." Please! Anyway, based upon the questions and answers I reviewed that were suggested by the posts on the DIS board, I felt so uncomfortable....I asked if she was the DVC member, and she came back with a statement "I have a confirmation that I will place in your name when payment is received. I don't know what you mean by DVC member." I asked to have the transaction cancelled....I was advised by several DIS board members that a timeshare transfer is risky, mainly, what if the dues weren't paid by the original member? Again, I'm not a DVC member, but memory tells me that it is not permitted for a time-share exchanger to sell the vacation...My bid was withdrawn and the seller came back to tell me that she listed the wrong dates, and had to remove it anyway. It never showed up again on EBay. I did; however, obtain a rental from a member from Ebay. I would have preferred to deal with someone on the DIS board; but after speaking with her directly, asking the proper questions and feeling very comfortable, we negotiated a deal....While it was not $1650 for a 1BR, it was enough savings over Disney to cover the dining plan.....My point being that I believe the posts and members of the board saved me from loosing $1650.....I would like to add that the person I ultimately purchased the rental from, is the DVC owner, and during our first conversation, my gut instinct told me the transaction was on the up and up.....she had a contract she emailed me, asked for a $200 deposit and I sent the balance upon obtaining the final confirmation....She willingly gave me her work number, home phone, cell phone, email and address. My gut instinct told me the initial deal was, for lack of a better word, shady. We all must follow our instincts and not get caught up in saving a few bucks...I, too, don't post much, but I read a lot and I knew the risk factor I was taking, but I made what I believe to be an informed decision because of the advice and posts on this board....everyone should do their homework....and thank you, thank you, thank you, to all.....
Thank you for posting your experience -it's a good example of "due diligence" and may help others, especially first timers.
I have requested a business email when possible. I've also checked that a person worked where they said they did (usually can be done by calling the company's automated phone line or by looking on the company's web site).

Just be aware that this may not always work. I certainly would never share my work email and contact information with someone here. Even those of you who 'know' me in person don't really know much ;)

I have rented once from someone before I became an owner, and transferred a few times. Most of those posters had very low post counts, and I certainly didn't know them in my 8 years of posting/reading here, but there was an element of trust involved on both sides.
....I went back to the seller and asked specific questions based upon the advice, such as, "Would you be willing to do a conference call with member services when placing the reservation in my name?" She didn't know who "member services" was...when I asked her what the view was, her response was "just ask for a view and they will give it to you when you get there."

....I asked if she was the DVC member, and she came back with a statement "I have a confirmation that I will place in your name when payment is received. I don't know what you mean by DVC member."

I'm so glad your transaction worked out for you. Based on the above comments, I would have been running away from this person so fast it would make your head spin! How can she say that she doesn't know what being a DVC member is? :eek:

I'm glad you asked the questions, and got comfortable with the seller. I don't think I ever could have gotten comfortable with a seller like that.

Lots of good advice on this thread. It probably should be a sticky on the rent/trade board. :)
...I posted a question, "Would you purchase a rental from E-bay?"..Thank goodness that JimMIA and ???(can't remember, sorry) answered....I went back to the seller and asked specific questions based upon the advice, such as...
There is a great lesson here, and it's directly on-point with Doc's OP. The secret to your success in this situation is NOT the admittedly-brilliant advice :rolleyes1 you got on the DIS. The secret to your success is that you took the extra time and effort to carefully probe the potential deals until you were able to reach a level of comfort.

Far too few people do that. Everyone should.
I am an experienced timeshare renter. I have rented out and rented myself over 20 times. A few of these were DVC straight from the rent/trade board. I follow a few simple rules every time I select a renter or select some one to rent from.

1) Do they have references

2)Is their a written contract

3)what is the cancellation policy

4) I require to speak with everyone on the phone prior to any reservation being made or money changing hands so everything is crystal clear. During this call I talk about my family, why we rent and in general pose a million questions just to make sure that everything is solid from both ends. I have refused rentals to people because I thought they sounded flakey on the phone. This call works to reassure both me and the other party that all sides are honest and that a good faith agreement has been reached prior to making a reservation.

5)If they are renting from me are they a timeshare owner or at the very least understand timeshares?

6)Finally, I would never send money or ask someone to send money via wire. PAYPAL is always the safest way to pay. Sometimes, renters will choose to pay via check or money order to avoid paying the paypal fees which I do pass on in some cases.

There is no doubt that timeshare rentals require trust in someone you don't know. However, if you follow the basics you can and will have a smooth transaction.
I am an experienced timeshare renter. I have rented out and rented myself over 20 times. A few of these were DVC straight from the rent/trade board. I follow a few simple rules every time I select a renter or select some one to rent from.

1) Do they have references

2)Is their a written contract

3)what is the cancellation policy

4) I require to speak with everyone on the phone prior to any reservation being made or money changing hands so everything is crystal clear. During this call I talk about my family, why we rent and in general pose a million questions just to make sure that everything is solid from both ends. I have refused rentals to people because I thought they sounded flakey on the phone. This call works to reassure both me and the other party that all sides are honest and that a good faith agreement has been reached prior to making a reservation.

5)If they are renting from me are they a timeshare owner or at the very least understand timeshares?

6)Finally, I would never send money or ask someone to send money via wire. PAYPAL is always the safest way to pay. Sometimes, renters will choose to pay via check or money order to avoid paying the paypal fees which I do pass on in some cases.

There is no doubt that timeshare rentals require trust in someone you don't know. However, if you follow the basics you can and will have a smooth transaction.

I agree you offer some good advice except the Paypal reference being the safest. If a problem arose between you and the person you are renting to or from, PayPal will settle nothing or take any part.

Therefore they are no safer than a money order or certified check. Actually if you mail the payment you have involved the US Postal system and any problems can possibly be determined to be mail fraud.

PayPal allowed someone to use my identity open a PayPal account in my name and use it and all of the info was bogus. They are worthless when you have a problem with them.
How can you check a persons posts? I saw they recommend you check the persons post you are thinking of renting from, but how do you do that? I have tried and it tells me there are no matches, but I know the person has posted.
How can you check a persons posts? I saw they recommend you check the persons post you are thinking of renting from, but how do you do that? I have tried and it tells me there are no matches, but I know the person has posted.

The tech folks are working on this issue. Try this:
Click on "User CP" at the top of this page. Click on "Edit Options" then look for "Miscellaneous." Choose "California Gold" for the forum skin. The "Find Posts for---" only works with California Gold skin chosen (at least for now). Good luck!
First of all, thank you all very much for you input and your help on how to rent out points. I just recently completed my first rental, but it took forever. I have a question.

Of everything I read on here and from the contracts that I used parts of on here as well, on each one of them, it states that the renter can call the resort and double check the confirmation after they receive a copy of the confirmation from the DVC Owner. During my ordeal, my renter was not able to do that. OKW told her and myself that the confirmation was would not be in the system until the week of the reservation. Can someone shed some light on this for me.

Thank you all for your help. I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!
First of all, thank you all very much for you input and your help on how to rent out points. I just recently completed my first rental, but it took forever. I have a question.

Of everything I read on here and from the contracts that I used parts of on here as well, on each one of them, it states that the renter can call the resort and double check the confirmation after they receive a copy of the confirmation from the DVC Owner. During my ordeal, my renter was not able to do that. OKW told her and myself that the confirmation was would not be in the system until the week of the reservation. Can someone shed some light on this for me.

Thank you all for your help. I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!

The contracts you saw contained out-of-date info. MS will no longer discuss/confirm a reservation with anyone but the DVC member that owns the reservation.
First of all, thank you all very much for you input and your help on how to rent out points. I just recently completed my first rental, but it took forever. I have a question.

Of everything I read on here and from the contracts that I used parts of on here as well, on each one of them, it states that the renter can call the resort and double check the confirmation after they receive a copy of the confirmation from the DVC Owner. During my ordeal, my renter was not able to do that. OKW told her and myself that the confirmation was would not be in the system until the week of the reservation. Can someone shed some light on this for me.

Thank you all for your help. I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!
Last year they changed that practice. Only the member can now talk to Member Services. The renter is only able to check themselves by calling the resort about a week to 10 days before the trip. The confirmation letter is all the renter will get as confirmation. While the majority of people renting out points are above board, there IS a possibility of someone taking advantage, and that is what this thread is all about. The reality is that the owner of the points can change the reservation at any time. That means that a renter who fails to pay by the date on the contract risks losing their reservation with no recourse. Disney will NOT get involved with disputes in renting.


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