December 11, 2004 Eastern cruise thread

Wow... what a day. Why does work always seem to pick up the pace when I'm trying to wrap up for vacation? That leaves 5 meetings, 1 webcast (which I'm presenting), and a long drive to Port Canaveral between me and the Magic.

Even better news is I have more photo gear coming via UPS tomorrow. :cool1:

OK - now we are down to the nitty gritty.
I can't believe I'm saying this; but I am glad I have to work. It has been so busy the days are going quickly.
Maria - yes we are in Florida. We are in the now famous (or should I say infamous) City of Stuart. We just don't trust I-95. Would only take one big accident to mess us up.
Been waiting so long I can't believe it is finally time to go.
PD and prayers for everyone's safe arrival at the Port.

mbuckles-Sam best clean those lenses really good as some hidden Mickey's are very hard to spot<G>.You have a busy day on Friday!I hope it all goes well,an we hope to hear all about it.

jwann-I am glad I am not alone.I am right behind you as far as the emotions go.

smchan-Please make sure you post all those great photos you are going to take online for us all to see.Hope you all have a nice drive to FL.

DisneyFam5-I know you are happy to start your vacation.Enjoy!

SQUIGGLE-I think if I was ready we would love Friday night,but there is no such luck.I have too much to accomplish before we leave.Today,the day went by faster then yesterday.There is hope that the next two days will fly by.I don't blame you for not trusting I-95.We have to take I-75 to turnpike,and then then turnpike most of the way to port.Hopefully,Saturday morning traffic won't be too bad.I am glad we don't have to take I-95 at all.
My friends you all drive safely,and we will see you all soon!

Villaness, you saw for yourself how out of control the kids are. It gives new meaning to the word palpable. Tonight they did not want to go to bed, big surprize. Noah is almost sick to his stomach with anticipation and Lauren is ready for her pretty dresses.

For all you parents out there with kids:
I myself am wondering how I ever made it to thirty something without ever having been taken on such a first rate trip as a kid. How did our parents manage? Must have been old fashion fun with the family.

Can't wait :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

I just checked out the castawayclub website, and there are new navigators up for the Eastern, from the recent 11/13 cruise! Looking at those got me even more excited... just a FYI for those wanting more recent info, although they will have Holiday activities when we sail!

WoW, almost here guys and gals!
ann southworth said:
For all you parents out there with kids:
I myself am wondering how I ever made it to thirty something without ever having been taken on such a first rate trip as a kid. How did our parents manage? Must have been old fashion fun with the family.

My parents went on several first class trips - without me! A few times dad did take me to Disney and we stayed close to the main gates - in a Motel 6!

One time, though, I went to Disney World with my cousin and uncle. My uncle had a private business plane (a 10-12 passenger turbo prop) fly us down. Then, after a few days, my uncle decided to go to the Bahamas. He left my cousin and me alone at Disney World with paid-for hotel room. I was 15 at the time and had a blast. :) That was 1982 and EPCOT was just 2 weeks old. Our private plane flew over Disney World with a few circles around EPCOT for an aerial view before landing. :)

To some degree, I agree with my parents' philosophy. My wife and I cruised first on the Wonder then on the Magic to check it out and make sure it was a family friendly environment for our boys. :) This Saturday will mark my boys' first cruise.

disneygatorfan said:
I just checked out the castawayclub website, and there are new navigators up for the Eastern, from the recent 11/13 cruise!

Excellent tip! I'm printing them out now.

Check out day 2 at 10:30 am - a digital photography seminar. I might attend. :)

Hey Mr. Smchan, I resemble that remark! Actually I work 7 - 3:30 so I can drive those kids around all afternoon. I hate getting up and getting there before most of the office, but I love leaving when they have an hour left! (I was a slacker, though. I got my roadway plans ready to submit and I couldn't quite concentrate on anything else. Imagine that!) I'm packing and packing and DH is hanging out in the basement watching Spiderman 2 with the projector on the big screen. What's wrong with this picture.
DisneyFam5 said:
I'm packing and packing and DH is hanging out in the basement watching Spiderman 2 with the projector on the big screen. What's wrong with this picture.

What's wrong with this picture? Your husband has a home theater and I don't. *My* home theater with the big screen and projector was taken over by my wife and turned into a CRAFT room of all things. I keep hoping she'll give it back - but so far it's a losing battle.

I'm jealous. :(

PS Work AND kids... you're no slacker. That's hard work, I'm sure. Find some old underwear - something several sizes too small - to pack for your husband. Or maybe pack a really ugly tie for formal night. Do that one thing and he'll never let you pack alone again. :)
I was thinking of the Digital Camera seminar as well. I am borrowing my sister's for this trip, but still bringing the trusty 35mm!
disneygatorfan said:
I was thinking of the Digital Camera seminar as well. I am borrowing my sister's for this trip, but still bringing the trusty 35mm!

Cool! I'm bringing my camera too. Did I mention that?

I'm ready to cruise already.

Smchan - I'm not only bringing my banged up 35mm, I've got 2 disposable water cameras and I bought the kids each 2 disposable cameras! Are you impressed? We've got our Sony camcorder which takes digital photos too! I'm such a shutter bug!

I'll be hanging out at every trivia event offered! I love trivia. How about this one? Who is the top ranked team in college basketball? What team did the coach of the #2 team coach two years ago, until he left for greener pastures? Anyone? Sam?
smchan said:
Check out day 2 at 10:30 am - a digital photography seminar. I might attend. :)


By the sounds of it - you could teach it!
DisneyFam5 said:
Who is the top ranked team in college basketball?

Some team out there in the mid-west. The name escapes me. I-something... Iowa? Indiana? It'll come to me after I've had my coffee. :)

DisneyFam5 said:
What team did the coach of the #2 team coach two years ago, until he left for greener pastures?

Roy Williams of Kansas to UNC-Chapel Hill?

Speaking of Roy, here are my favorite Roy moments:


DisneyFam5-- Is it Duke? I think that is it. That is my answer. Sadly Syracuse the other night could not make one not one of their free throw shots. I mean come on. That is all I have to bore you all about.

I can't believe that it is the day before we fly out of PHL. YEAH!!!!!!!! :cool1:

Can I be any more excited? Everytime I get even one little paper for my boss I get up and put it in his bin. I can't seem to want to sit still. Can anyone believe that.

I might got to the digital camera lecture. I just got my first one, it is just a Kodak EasyShare...thanks to smchan and mbuckles I got some pointers..thanks guys. I printed my first picture last night...I think it is pretty nice.

I can't wait to start snapping pictures...I am going to try to sit on the left side of the bus on the way to port, because I think you can see the ship as you drive while sitting on that side.

Everyone stay safe while driving and flying to FL and port. Can't wait to meet everyone...the meet is still on for Sat right? What time is it again?

Jen :flower1:
DisneyFam5 said:
I'll give you more time Sam. I'm up and it is now officially the day we leave!!! Yeah! :cool1: :boat:




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