Kids need to know a lot of adults play vmk

I bolded a couple of things. One was where I defended your reaction and provided some perspective. And the other was where you sarcastically "thanked" everyone for standing up for you. And you think I'm always on the other side of the discussion! Sheesh.

I am so sorry. I think you're misinterpreting my post. There wasn't supposed to be anything sarcastic there. I'm sorry that I overlooked your post, but I was so tired of reading flame after flame that I kind of skipped to the end. I really do want to thank Vary for being very kind to me and sticking up for me in my absence.

P.S.- Isn't the point of a satire to make a normally serious situation seem lighter? ;)
I'm trying to extend an olive branch, not stick a pen through your hearts :)
I am so sorry. I think you're misinterpreting my post. There wasn't supposed to be anything sarcastic there. I'm sorry that I overlooked your post, but I was so tired of reading flame after flame that I kind of skipped to the end. I really do want to thank Vary for being very kind to me and sticking up for me in my absence.

When Did You Get Back And You Let You In???? LOL :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:
I want you all to know that I have always like you all and I want to make up with you all, but I want to convey this scenario from the point of the kid also.

The following is a passage from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

"`Now lookee here!' said the man. `Where's your mother?'

`There, sir!' said I.

He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.

`There, sir!' I timidly explained. `Also Georgiana. That's my mother.'

`Oh!' said he, coming back. `And is that your father alonger your mother?'

`Yes, sir,' said I; `him too; late of this parish.'

`Ha!' he muttered then, considering. `Who d'ye live with -- supposin' you're kindly let to live, which I han't made up my mind about?'

`My sister, sir -- Mrs Joe Gargery -- wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir.' "

Please try to analyze and invision this from three points of view:

1. From the narrator's point of view (in the story, he is roughly 8 years old)
2. From the criminal's point of view
3. From the narrator's point of view, if the story took place today

I am not taking sides. I am trying to express an opinion from a party that has not been (well ;) )defended.
I want you all to know that I have always like you all and I want to make up with you all, but I want to convey this scenario from the point of the kid also.

The following is a passage from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

"`Now lookee here!' said the man. `Where's your mother?'

`There, sir!' said I.

He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.

`There, sir!' I timidly explained. `Also Georgiana. That's my mother.'

`Oh!' said he, coming back. `And is that your father alonger your mother?'

`Yes, sir,' said I; `him too; late of this parish.'

`Ha!' he muttered then, considering. `Who d'ye live with -- supposin' you're kindly let to live, which I han't made up my mind about?'

`My sister, sir -- Mrs Joe Gargery -- wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir.' "

Please try to analyze and invision this from three points of view:

1. From the narrator's point of view (in the story, he is roughly 8 years old)
2. From the criminal's point of view
3. From the narrator's point of view, if the story took place today

I am not taking sides. I am trying to express an opinion from a party that has not been (well ;) )defended.

you are soooo creepy.
I didn't know adults played VMK until like, 2 - 3 months after I joined DIS. I just thought it was gross that people alot older than me played VMK.
I didn't know adults played VMK until like, 2 - 3 months after I joined DIS. I just thought it was gross that people alot older than me played VMK.

heh, did it hurt more when you learned the old people PWNED? :rotfl:
The following is a passage from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
Ah, but if Pip had never talked with this criminal stranger, he never would have received the later bounty from his mysterious benefactor. So what's the lesson learned again?

Woot! I just totally ruined the ending of that book for you creepy middle schoolers!

Stay in school, kids. Don't do drugs. Eat your spinach.

Ricks (who knows Estella well)
Well, I'm glad you're proud of your pwnage of a kid's game. I don't deny that most of the VMK elite are grownups, but why d'ya think that is? Grownups can determine how much they play the game. Kids are lucky to have parents to set the time limits for them on games like this. Aside from soccer practice, school and homework, kids have lots going on that takes them away from VMK.

A new marketing report just came out and calls games like VMK online playgrounds. I think that's a perfect description of these type of social online environments for kids. With that, if you see a stranger at your neighborhood playground, climbing on the monkey bars with your kids, would you think that person is a creep? Sure, maybe she's there just for fun, but even for a second- would you think that person is just a little weird? What about when they elbow their way to the front of the line for the slide?

I'm not saying adults should stop playing VMK. Just realize that it was a game created for kids. No, Disney isn't going to stop adults from playing, but 8-14 remains the target audience.
My mother asks me while some of the "young-challenged" ( happy dreams, no o word :lmao: ) people play VMK. I enjoy their presence. I don't want to go around vmk just playing with those little taken and baby monsters.
Well, I'm glad you're proud of your pwnage of a kid's game. I don't deny that most of the VMK elite are grownups, but why d'ya think that is? Grownups can determine how much they play the game. Kids are lucky to have parents to set the time limits for them on games like this. Aside from soccer practice, school and homework, kids have lots going on that takes them away from VMK.

Adults have work, taking care of the kids, taking care of the spouse, taking care of the house, taking care of the outside, keeping the car going, grocery shopping, fixing the meals, hauling the kids back and forth between social and sporting events/practices, paying the bills, and trying to have their own life with friends and family. Some even actually go to school too. ;)
Well, I'm glad you're proud of your pwnage of a kid's game. I don't deny that most of the VMK elite are grownups, but why d'ya think that is? Grownups can determine how much they play the game. Kids are lucky to have parents to set the time limits for them on games like this. Aside from soccer practice, school and homework, kids have lots going on that takes them away from VMK.

When I started playing VMK just over a year ago, I was working five days a week full-time and going to college three to four nights a week . I also was president of our campus' chapter of the international honor society and evening president for the nursing club. All this while maintaining my own home. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. With that busy schedule, I was still on VMK everyday because I put aside time to take a mental break from everything. And I made sure I got everything done that needed to be done before I had my "play time".

Most grownups have many other obligations which limit the time spent on the game. It's how you spend your time in the game is what determines your "success". Kids can learn how to effectively budget their time in the game which translates into being proficient at budgeting their time in real life.


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