~ Prince Josh and Princess Caitlin get married at the Happiest Place on Earth!PG 13

Loving all your plans so far. Congratulations.
Thank you!

So you asked about how I got my wedding dress? :rolleyes1 Well, basically (long story short) I did the infamous Running of the Brides at the original location in Boston of Filene's Basement(they held it there twice a year). If you google it or watch a video - you can see that it's madness and chaotic in the beginning. It was so crazy and I wasn't positive I was going to find my dress there, just kind of went for the experience to try it out since I had a long engagement. Well, after 2 crazy hours of chaos and bartering, I found my dress. However, I had to have it taken in from a size 10 to my size. But seriously, you could not have beaten the deals there. Insane. And my friends and I will always remember how we got the dress. :laughing:

:laughing: I have seen things like that on How I Met Your Mother :laughing: That is a good story! I am not sure if we have anything like that Michigan :confused3 If we do I know my mom and I would have a good time fighting the crowds! :laughing:
I thought I would post a mini update about things happening around here to hold y'all off until Sunday when the big update will be coming!

The other day Josh opened a joint checking account so he and I can start saving for our wedding :thumbsup2 I am hoping we can put the deposit for Shades of Green down before we get to a year out so this definitely eased my mind! My parents are paying for the reception and Josh and I are paying for the ceremony. I feel so grown up having a joint checking account :laughing:

Thanks to Groupon Josh and I will be getting a photo session to take engagement pictures :cutie: I wanted a professional picture to put in the paper in the wedding announcement section so I am excited!

Now I am just playing the waiting till tomorrow game! I am so thankful the weather is supposed to be nice because I am not sure how we would fit 30 people into my grandma's condo! I am also not really sure how many people are going to show up but we have only heard from four people that they can't make it :eek: I hope we have enough food and everything!

I will be back Sunday to update about dress shopping and the engagement party!
Aww how funnnn :) Plans are happening already. I can't wait to see pictures of everything! It sounds like you guys are really starting off well getting ready! So prepared! :thumbsup2
I am really enjoying reading your plans and how you are working through everything. Planning can definitely be fun and crazy at the same time. BTW groupon can be really great a friend of mine that is a photographer found out i was engaged and offered to do my engagement shots which i thought was amazing. keep updating I am enjoying what i am seeing so far.

Aww how funnnn :) Plans are happening already. I can't wait to see pictures of everything! It sounds like you guys are really starting off well getting ready! So prepared! :thumbsup2

Planning is so much fun!!!

Pictures will be coming on Sunday!!

We are!

I am really enjoying reading your plans and how you are working through everything. Planning can definitely be fun and crazy at the same time. BTW groupon can be really great a friend of mine that is a photographer found out i was engaged and offered to do my engagement shots which i thought was amazing. keep updating I am enjoying what i am seeing so far.


Thank you! I am glad you are enjoyin my PTR!

Aw that's awesome! I wish I had a photographer friend :laughing:
Yay! This wedding thread is great. I am also reading along in your TR... Waiting for the guy's stories... Come on guys! popcorn::

I can"t wait to read the details this weekend! I am happy for you!:bride:princess::flower1:
it's 12:05 a.m.
That means TODAY IS THE DAY. :banana: Right?

Have a great time. Savour it. :cloud9:

Yay! This wedding thread is great. I am also reading along in your TR... Waiting for the guy's stories... Come on guys! popcorn::

I can"t wait to read the details this weekend! I am happy for you!:bride:princess::flower1:
Thank you!

I know the guys need to move on that! Hopefully we can get their feelings written down this weekend and post an update on this and the TR on Sunday!

I am so excited to share them all with you!

it's 12:05 a.m.
That means TODAY IS THE DAY. :banana: Right?

Have a great time. Savour it. :cloud9:



Thank you we will! We have a busy day ahead of us! Gym, hair cuts, setting up, grabbing last minute things, photo shoot, and then the party!
Caitlin, your ideas for the party, shower and wedding are great.

I think the story of Carl and Ellie is so adorable:lovestruc

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie ever. I can't wait to see how it all gets tied in at your wedding.

Good luck with your dress shopping.

You must be so excited to get a joint checking account. I loved using checks in the beginning just b/c it had both of our names on them. DH did not b/c of course I ordered princess checks and labels:laughing:
Caitlin, your ideas for the party, shower and wedding are great.

I think the story of Carl and Ellie is so adorable:lovestruc

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie ever. I can't wait to see how it all gets tied in at your wedding.

Good luck with your dress shopping.

You must be so excited to get a joint checking account. I loved using checks in the beginning just b/c it had both of our names on them. DH did not b/c of course I ordered princess checks and labels:laughing:

Thank you!

I am so excited for the party tonight!!

I will have more in depth plans coming up!

Thank you! I might need it!

Aw I want princess checks :laughing:
I rarely post but have read so many of you and your mom's trip reports. You guys are very funny and I love how much you love Disney!

I had to post to say congrats!! You and Josh are such a beautiful and cute couple! Have fun with your planning and God bless such a nice young couple. Enjoy every minute!

- Liz
I rarely post but have read so many of you and your mom's trip reports. You guys are very funny and I love how much you love Disney!

I had to post to say congrats!! You and Josh are such a beautiful and cute couple! Have fun with your planning and God bless such a nice young couple. Enjoy every minute!

- Liz

Thank you for all of your kind words!!! :hug:
Our engagement party was last night and for the most part it went off without a hitch!

Josh and I started off the night by getting our engagement pictures taken at JC Penny's. I am pretty happy with the pictures and once we get them back I will scan them in!

My grandma and I setting up


So here is what you all have been waiting for our decorations!!!

The House!!





Our pictures from around the World




Well wishes from the Epcot CMs


I made Josh this book as an engagement present. It has pictures of all our adventures from this past summer in it!







Those ballons all had LED lights in them and lit up at night!


A lot of people picked up on the theme and the people who had never seen the movie before my mom explained the montage at the beginning to them.

Josh and I in front of our mini house



Yep we are silly

Oh and some food porn a Mickey Mouse Oreo cookie!



Soooo good! *deer face* ;)

The night was great and at one point I found myself in bed with two boys watching Spongebob


The one on the bed is Jordan my cousin Jeff and his wife Samantha's son and the other is my cousin Kelly's son Josh.

Then at around 8:30 when my Future MIL finally showed up we had the toast.


My dad made a great speech and I was in tears by the end of it :hug:

Now I haven't talked much about my MIL but let's just say there are a lot of things that she did in the past to Josh that makes me not like her very much and there are things she has done and said to me that leaves a bad impression. Like the fact she showed up an hour and a half late stayed for an hour then went and partied at a bar all night when she was supposed to be working :headache: Oh and his grandma was invited but has bronchitis but I guess partying at a bar was the doctor's orders :headache: Enough of my rant

Here is Josh with his mom, his dad and his sister.


His dad and his sister are sweethearts and it was my first time meeting his dad and he was very nice!

My cousin Jeff and his wife Samantha


They got married 5 months ago so at one point my mom and I were talking about weddings with Sam and any advice she had. It was a great talk and I really enjoyed getting some much needed advice!

This was the best part of the night my cousin Cassie was there!


That's Cassie, her friend Megan, my grandma and me.

It was the first time I have seen her in a year so it was great catching up! I may have a bridesmaid :rolleyes1

As everyone left they got one of these


It included homemade chocolate engagement rings, engagement ring mints and either jelly beans or kisses.

All in all it was a great night the food was good, Josh and I felt a ton of love and everyone got along really well!

Now I am off to go to a pet blessing then wedding dress shopping! I will update about the dress shopping tomorrow!
Awa what a cute party! Love the idea of giving your fiance the "NEW" adventure book very sweet! And your dress was so cute! :goodvibes
The party looks adorable and that is so cute how you ended up watching Spongebob at the end of the night lol Love the Adventure book and all the Up figurines. Great picture of your cousin, grandmother, your cousin's friend and you :goodvibes

Good luck with your wedding dress shopping! :teeth:
Looks like a great time....the theme is fantastic!:thumbsup2 You look as gorgeous as ever and I can only imagine your dad's speech! There is nothing like the relationship between a daddy and his little girl:hug: I think Josh is a very lucky man to have found not only a great girl but she comes from a loving, generous family who mean everything to her! You are both truly blessed to have found each other!

Wedding dress shopping....I am so excited to hear how this goes!!! Jas and I were watching Say Yes to the Dress marathon last evening and we both thought that would be you today!!!
Awa what a cute party! Love the idea of giving your fiance the "NEW" adventure book very sweet! And your dress was so cute! :goodvibes

Thank you!

He loved it! It was nice making it and looking at all of the pictures :cutie:

Thank you! I love Forever 21!

The party looks adorable and that is so cute how you ended up watching Spongebob at the end of the night lol Love the Adventure book and all the Up figurines. Great picture of your cousin, grandmother, your cousin's friend and you :goodvibes

Good luck with your wedding dress shopping! :teeth:

Thank you!

You can't pass up Spongebob!

The UP ornament was from my grandma :cutie:

Thank you!

I hope I find one!

Looks like a great time....the theme is fantastic!:thumbsup2 You look as gorgeous as ever and I can only imagine your dad's speech! There is nothing like the relationship between a daddy and his little girl:hug: I think Josh is a very lucky man to have found not only a great girl but she comes from a loving, generous family who mean everything to her! You are both truly blessed to have found each other!

Wedding dress shopping....I am so excited to hear how this goes!!! Jas and I were watching Say Yes to the Dress marathon last evening and we both thought that would be you today!!!
It was! Thank you!

Thank you :hug:

I loved the speech it really meant a lot to Josh and I!

Aw I agree we both were blessed to have each other. It is crazy how fate works!

I am so anxious for it!!! Aw that is too cute :hug: Tell Jas I say hi!


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