Something About Nothing............ #14

Hope DisneyLife does not get a hangover. I like my grey goose in a cup of crushed ice. Was tired, so none for me last night.

Ah, yes, a sweet Sunday is upon us. Birds outside the window have been letting all know they are awake, since before the sunrise. Nice enough day, weather wise, for us. And so,
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Oh yes I have those.

And my wish to all the homies:
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Oooh, quiet house, tea in hand. Ack, beeep. Yeah, more early laundry. Later homies.

May all the homies have a super happy Sunday. And if your goals today are like mine, woot!
Monyk......I read how some kids were told they had to be out of their accommodation. Quite surprising.

DLPN........we’ve all been there.......::yes:: usually wine with us though.......hope you feel ok today.......

Little bit of grocery shopping this morning, we only needed some bread, milk an avocado and assorted birthday cards........

Complete bedlam!!! It was like Christmas Eve morning and then some.......usually a Sunday at 10am is fairly quiet, but car park was more than 3/4 full and there were no trolleys (carts) We only needed a hand basket.

Inside there were people wandering around complaining about everyone else panic buying......the irony was missed by most.

And worst of all, folks still wandering around coughing without even attempting to cover their mouths. Still!!!

Crazy. And it’s cold and very windy.

Rest of Sunday will be quiet........doing a roast pork joint for dinner......bought some apple sauce as we have no apples yet, and not overly fond of the cooking apples you can buy.

Mug of tea time.........

I’m good....... :thumbsup2

We did a corned beef and cabbage yesterday I forgot to mention was very good!
The Walmart I have gone to is a 24/7 store.

Today they will start closing at 11 pm and not open until 6 am.

Publix here is doing the same and cutting hours.
They have not been as well stocked so have had to wander to WM on Friday.

Plenty of rain where I am.
Duck weather.
Beautiful blue skies with a cloud or two, with not much blocking of the sun. Jacket on, as just a bit too cool for me. Short sleeve shirt though.

My day has included paying bills and the rest of my normal grocery shopping. And yeah, many blank shelves. I also heard of people lining up before opening. Sigh. On a happy note, I thought I had some of those small Bath and Body hand sanitizers in the closet, but could not find them. Got a thing out of the closet, and boom, one of those sanitizers hit the floor. Now in purse. But I will say, the stores I have been in, have wipes and/or sanitizers at the door. I have some hand cream in my purse, but my hands are getting so dried out with all the cleanings. I do hope this scare makes better public hygiene when the scare goes away.

Ah Robo, so neat to be able to see those rocket launches in person. I am happy you are enjoying your time at your Southern home.

DisneyLife, glad to see ya post here, and are good.

All those reports of those meaty meals, DisneyLife and Schumi. May join tonight, as have that ground sirloin to use up. Burgers or meatballs. Guess will see what family wants.

Time for donut. We had to buy a half dozen before the local donut shop shuts for 2 weeks at 9 tonight. Glad to see neighborhood was supporting this small business this morning.

Follow on, homies. Nothing like watching the food channel while eating. ::yes::
Lynne, the Mr and I always wear gloves when we clean in the house even before the present virus we all are talking about.

cloth, latex free or plastic gloves the only way we go
We have been like this for doing any daily work in the house since we have been married.

Walking Dead and pizza tonight!
Dominos now has the set up you can have delivery without doing a face to face with the delivery employee.

Anyone can make the request to have the food delivered to a specific place on your property.
No, Mac, as we usually pick up. But I would say leave on my stoop if I ever decide to do it that way. Yum, pizza 🍕 dinner. Perfect Sunday meal. I’d do it, but with the meat bought the other day, time to use. Kids vetoed using it last night, as little one was happy to rejoin our Saturday Chinese food dinner. And yay, left over soup was my lunch.
Good afternoon everyone. Does anyone else feel like we are having snow days without the snow? It seems so surreal with so much shut down.

We have been trying to find toilet paper with no luck at all. I went to Target when they opened this morning. The manager said that they will get delivery trucks overnight. Let's hope at least one is bringing toilet paper. I think we are okay at home, but I worry about sending B back to school next week and her running out. Yes, you read that correctly. B's school is not closing and going online like all the others. The idiot university president is insisting that everyone will be safer on campus than at home. Sure, lets send all the students home for a week, many of which will be traveling to infected areas, and then bring them all back to school. Our governor has banned gatherings of 100 or more people. You would think that would include universities.

I am also questioning the sanity of our church leadership. I attend a very large church. We have Sunday services at 9:30 and 11:00. They decided to have just one service today and cancel small groups. That just seems counter productive. We opted to stay home.

DCP kids are now told they have to be out of the housing by Monday 11 am. VERY little notice, especially for the shorter term cultural exchange kids (conflicting reports they may get to stay until travel arranged). SOOOOO angry with Disney right now on doing that-at least give them a few days to gather up stuff and arrange travel home. Many received word while AT WORK!
Wow, that's not good. I think Disney could have give a little more time.

thank goodness she is not graduating this Spring. Her university already cancelled graduation.
That is really sad. I feel bad for the kids who won't get a proper graduation ceremony.

Everything is still ok here. Thankfully, two people my daughter was in contact with have so far tested negative.
That is very good news to hear.

Seeing the Disney CP kids and international kids let go from Disney doesn't give me much hope that they will reopen any time soon. They even let the Japan Pavilion drummers go. I certainly don't think they will in 2 weeks, like they originally said. I'm not sure yet what to do for our May trip and I guess it's still wait and see.
I am really praying that by May we will all be back to normal.

Complete bedlam!!! It was like Christmas Eve morning and then some.......usually a Sunday at 10am is fairly quiet, but car park was more than 3/4 full and there were no trolleys (carts) We only needed a hand basket.
I described it as a combination of a snowstorm, hurricane, and Super Bowl Sunday. I guess the crazy buying has spread everywhere. I feel for the poor employees who are trying to restock shelves.

The Walmart I have gone to is a 24/7 store.

Today they will start closing at 11 pm and not open until 6 am.

Publix here is doing the same and cutting hours.
I am wondering if Kroger will do the same. They need time to restock without having to deal with crazy customers.

On a happy note, I thought I had some of those small Bath and Body hand sanitizers in the closet, but could not find them. Got a thing out of the closet, and boom, one of those sanitizers hit the floor. Now in purse.
I noticed that B had a small bottle of hand sanitizer yesterday. I told her to guard it with her life.

I never got around to making my apple pie yesterday, but we had pizza for supper, so that was our pie. I'm going to make the apple pie today instead.
Well didn't get much done today. Not feeling great. I sent my husband out for a few things at the store and he came back with shell shock. He said he never seen a store so bare. It didn't even compare to the worst Hurricane. I am going to try to run to Walmart before work tomorrow to get what he couldn't find.

They have started closing city government offices in some of the neighboring cities. Employees still have to report. My city office will probably follow suit if more cities do the same. I don't mind sitting in my office all day with no public coming in and no phones to answer. I can do that. DH works in the navy shipbuilding industry so unless they send all the ships out to sea, he will have to go in.

Grilling tonight since we did not yesterday. Making another pie tonight. Chocolate chess. Mmm good.

Everything is still ok here. Thankfully, two people my daughter was in contact with have so far tested negative.

That is good news!!

Youngest DD works part time in the grocery store and she's been frazzled. People are lined up before they open

Bless her heart! I cannot imagine what she and the others in that industry are dealing with. She is appreciated more than she knows!

Follow on, homies. Nothing like watching the food channel while eating

I found Julia Child's The French Chef on Amazon Prime. I have watched 4 episodes today. Now I must go cook something. Lol!
Hi everyone...I am really feeling pretty bad right now. The pain blocker wore off and I feel like I was run over back and forth with a truck. I have muscle weakeness to begin with so all that trauma to the muscles is bad!! I can't take any of the pain pills they gave me I will get sick. Just using advil and tylenol. All the brusing is starting in the abdomen. Brian is taking good care of me and the house. The teens are helping too.

I sent Brian to the store today to get a few things, he couldn't believe how empty it was. Liv and Charlie have been working at Target and it is crazy there. I am trying not to buy to much till we see how long this is going to be.

I wanted to come on and say "hi" I am hoping in a couple of days I can talk more.

I hope everyone stays healthy and safe.

Thank you again everyone for the well wishes and thoughts, it has helped. :grouphug: :goodvibes

Oh Bobbie, sending some more mummy dust well wishes. Take care if yourself. Rest, it’s what your body needs the most. I hope the pain goes away quickly.

Just chilling, as far as I know, business as usual commute tomorrow.


So ah yes, alarm is set. Hope all have a wonderful deep sleep. Will leave light on, though not quite my 🛌 time yet.
Evening Sans family :wave2:

Tink hope you are doing well :hug:

I'm almost afraid to go grocery shopping. DH went yesterday to get some things in case we do get stuck at home for a while. He brought home frozen, pizza, frozen tacquitos, popcorn, Pop-Tarts, bread, peanut butter, and cookies. I guess I need to go and buy us some real food.

LOL......sounds like he was shopping for snacks for movie watching.

I just read an article that the poison control center is advising people not to drink bleach to attempt to kill the Corona virus. How sad is it that people have to be told this?


WM did not have a large crowd but they were fully stocked in all departments w/ exception of toilet paper.
They had the store brand but not the name brand. I did not need any but wanted to take a look while there.

Went to WM here yesterday and they were restocking shelves while I was there. I was able to get the few bits I needed.

I walked around to to see how the shelves looked. They were all out of Tylenol and Advil and cold meds.

Store was packed, but everyone was calm and doing their shopping. I was very impressed as just like when Hurricane is coming WM had all the major interest things in large isles in store water, Mac & cheese, ramen, cup a soup, paper towels so folks could easily get what they wanted.

As you guys probably already know already the theme parks are now closed. I jokingly told people they need that Florida meme "Sorry folks, Florida is closed" with John Candy and just tape it to the Welcome to Florida sign at this point.

That would be something.

. I had scrimp and grits actually for breakfast this morning.

I do like grits for breakfast once in a blue moon.

and media needs to be told to be responsible in their reporting instead of click bait panic inducing incomplete out of context stories/headlines)


Complete bedlam!!! It was like Christmas Eve morning and then some.......usually a Sunday at 10am is fairly quiet, but car park was more than 3/4 full and there were no trolleys (carts) We only needed a hand basket.

My sister said stores in her area of Orlando were very bad. Store shelves are bare. She is retired RN also and she told me she noticed that instead of buying the probiotics it looked like people bought the laxatives instead.......LOL......I guess those people are really going to need toilet paper :laughing:

Ah Robo, so neat to be able to see those rocket launches in person. I am happy you are enjoying your time at your Southern home.

Thanks Lynne...I do enjoy it here.

I was sitting across the river from the NASA Assembly Building on Banana River. That view faces the front of the VAB building and launch pad 39 A is to the right of the VAB building a piece. Was there with my neighbor..... who is a member of the Rocket SISTERS.......LOL....that is what she, our neighbor across the street and myself call each we were always going up to catch the rocket launches together when we could.

We were able to catch last few of the last manned flights before they stopped.

Was not sure of the crowds that would be out this morning to see the rocket go off.

There were a few people, but not a lot. We left to drive up at 6 this morning. We had a nice spot to view the launch. Was listening and watching the live feed and count down on my phone also. They we’re counting down then got to lift off then immediately said abort.

From what I understand the engines started to fire for the lift off then the automatic abort switch on the engine kicked in and shut the engines down.

This flight was supposed to have been on Wednesday then they changed it to Saturday then changed it to today. Don’t know yet when they will reschedule this particular mission.

Met some really nice folks who had drove over to watch the launch from Orlando.

We decided to drive over to Titusville and look around and found some really nice parks to view rocket launches from. The view from these parks is looking at the back of the VAB building with launch pad 39A to left of it a piece.


We walked around Space View Park.



Then drove over along the Canaveral Seashore. Tried to drive over to Playalinda beach. I had never been there and had read that Playalinda Beach was a great place to watch rocket launches also. So was scouting future sites. We were about 3 miles from Playalinda and everyone must have had the same idea as traffic was backed I turned around and will attempt that another time.

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is closing tomorrow like other parks.

I feel sorry for folks who paid for space center ticket plus extra viewing ticket and have had lift off date changed 3 times then have it be canceled. I don’t think they get their money back.
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Bobbie I am glad you gave us an update on yourself
Maybe let your doctor know you need a different type of pain meds

It’s hard to feel better when you are still in bad pain

You are in good hands with your family helping you while you recover

Feel better real soon!
Hi everyone...I am really feeling pretty bad right now. The pain blocker wore off and I feel like I was run over back and forth with a truck. I have muscle weakeness to begin with so all that trauma to the muscles is bad!! I can't take any of the pain pills they gave me I will get sick. Just using advil and tylenol. All the brusing is starting in the abdomen. Brian is taking good care of me and the house. The teens are helping too.

Bobbie68 I’am so sorry you are feeling so bad. Mac’s comment is right. Pain control is part of the healing process. I would give Doc call back and ask for lower dose pain med to see if this will decrease stomach upset.......if that doesn’t work....not sure if you are alternating Tylenol and Advil, but have you tried taking one Extra Strength Tylenol and one Advil together or 2 and 2....Sometimes combined they give good relief. No matter what you take make sure to have some food in your stomach to help lessen GI upset. :hug: Make sure to share with your doctor what you are taking OTC for pain control..



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Hi everyone,
Checking in again today and hoping everyone is safe and doing well.

And thank goodness she is not graduating this Spring. Her university already cancelled graduation.
I hope this doesn't happen to my daughter. So far she hasn't gotten any notice of graduation cancelled. They're still trying to work out the online stuff for the rest of the semester.
Complete bedlam!!! It was like Christmas Eve morning and then some.......usually a Sunday at 10am is fairly quiet, but car park was more than 3/4 full and there were no trolleys (carts) We only needed a hand basket.
It's crazy, isn't it? Ours started a little earlier than some places, but definitely ramped up on Friday.
We did a corned beef and cabbage yesterday I forgot to mention was very good!
Nice! We did ours yesterday too. I didn't make cabbage though, but we did have colcannon which has cabbage in. I made a sticky toffee pudding too, with a caramel-rum sauce. It probably has a real name, but I can't remember it! Every time I make corned beef I ask myself why I don't make it more often, its sooo good! I really only make it once a year.
Publix here is doing the same and cutting hours.
One of my daughter's found out today they are cutting hours at her full time job. She doesn't work in a grocery store, but it seems a lot of places are cutting hours now or trying to work from home.
I think we are okay at home, but I worry about sending B back to school next week and her running out. Yes, you read that correctly. B's school is not closing and going online like all the others.
That's crazy! Maybe with more closures they will decide to close also? I just saw the NYC mayor FINALLY closed public schools. He was holding out for some reason but the cases in NYC spiked this weekend and I know he was under pressure to close. I really hope they close B's school!
I described it as a combination of a snowstorm, hurricane, and Super Bowl Sunday. I guess the crazy buying has spread everywhere. I feel for the poor employees who are trying to restock shelves.
That's a good description! My youngest who works part time at the grocery store said they called in everyone they could to get them in to help on Friday and Saturday.
Well didn't get much done today. Not feeling great.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon! ((hugs))
Bless her heart! I cannot imagine what she and the others in that industry are dealing with. She is appreciated more than she knows!
Thank you! She said that today was way more calm. She's off the next few days, which is good because this new onlie
Hi everyone...I am really feeling pretty bad right now. The pain blocker wore off and I feel like I was run over back and forth with a truck.
I'm so sorry! I agree with Mac, maybe there's a different pain medicine that would work?
Hi everyone,
Checking in again today and hoping everyone is safe and doing well.

I hope this doesn't happen to my daughter. So far she hasn't gotten any notice of graduation cancelled. They're still trying to work out the online stuff for the rest of the semester.

It's crazy, isn't it? Ours started a little earlier than some places, but definitely ramped up on Friday.

Nice! We did ours yesterday too. I didn't make cabbage though, but we did have colcannon which has cabbage in. I made a sticky toffee pudding too, with a caramel-rum sauce. It probably has a real name, but I can't remember it! Every time I make corned beef I ask myself why I don't make it more often, its sooo good! I really only make it once a year.

One of my daughter's found out today they are cutting hours at her full time job. She doesn't work in a grocery store, but it seems a lot of places are cutting hours now or trying to work from home.

That's crazy! Maybe with more closures they will decide to close also? I just saw the NYC mayor FINALLY closed public schools. He was holding out for some reason but the cases in NYC spiked this weekend and I know he was under pressure to close. I really hope they close B's school!

That's a good description! My youngest who works part time at the grocery store said they called in everyone they could to get them in to help on Friday and Saturday.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon! ((hugs))

Thank you! She said that today was way more calm. She's off the next few days, which is good because this new onlie

I'm so sorry! I agree with Mac, maybe there's a different pain medicine that would work?

I like sticky toffee pudding!!! ::yes::

Here’s some from Liberty Tree at MK!!

I believe it’s called ooey gooey there?
Ooh, nothing like seeing sweets as I see this early morning, the yummy dessert DisneyLife has posted. Sorry to say, I am not a fan of that dessert. The ice cream though, yes.

Ah a cool, quick enough, clear enough commute, with the titled almost half full moon lighting up the sky. Not as warm as it was the other day, but hey, that means no rain. Though a sunny morning is going to greet us in about another hour and a half, the afternoon will see cloudy skies. And yes, I did bring my sunglasses. And winter coat, though a light loft one. Seems the high today will not get out of the 40's. No matter, rain will arrive this week. See, the days we will see highs of 60 on Tuesday, 69 on Thursday, and 78 on Friday are labeled rainy days. And ack, to end the week, a chilly rainy high of 55 on Saturday. Well, that's the forecast as of 5:22am as I was turning off the car. With the car saying 37 out, warning of icy roads flashed on the car screen. Yeah, it's March, and thank goodness, with all the rain coming this week, there should be no icy roads. Very wet, puddle filled, maybe. But that rain should not stay around, that rainy Tuesday will see a sun filled Wednesday, and that cool rainy Saturday, will see another full sun Sunday. Yeah, that time of year, even though Spring arrives here close to midnight on Thursday, the 9 day forecast shows highs from 78 to 48. No steady happy, take your jacket off Spring temps of 60's and 70's. I am greedy though, since around 50's is the the average high temps for mid March. And whether the Ides of March is keeping this yo yo temps around, the wet late Winter and Early Spring has been rainy. No April showers are needed.

With that, a hearty good morning to all the homies.

And for those cat loving homies:
481357 ::yes::

For all the homies:
481359 ::yes::

And finally, since my tea cup needs a refill, hope all stay healthy and have what they need.

Well wishes sent to Cam, and Bobbie, and any other homie I somehow missed, all needing our collective hugs with wishing and hoping all those not feeling well, recover nicely.

So yeah, every one, it's a very 481361 ::yes::
( yeah that's me, with tea and a Tastykake.) Perfect. :D

Feeling a little better today. Thanks!

Went to Walmart this morning, they were in the process of restocking but no TP. Did snag some milk since we were out.

The city offices are closed to the public today but we still had to come in. I have some filing I have been putting off so I guess I will take care of that today.

@bobbie68- hope you are feeling better soon. It does take a few days. Even though laparoscopy is easier it still requires muscles to be cut. I think it took me about 2 weeks to be able to get up without pain after having my gall bladder removed. Just get some rest and take care of yourself.
DLPN, I never had the dessert at LTT, I guess they could be the same? I've only ever had Sticky toffee pudding at Raglan Road and Rose and Crown in Disney, but I could only have a bite since they're not gluten free. That's when I set out to find a gluten free recipe, which is the one I make.
Either way, the ooey gooey cake looks good! YUM!


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