What is happening to some Disers??

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Wow that is just cruel to say. People get mad yes but there is a line at what you should tell some one and that line was majorly crossed. Someone let me know who it is please.

Unfortunately, Bears, everytime I see this punk in the pirate lobby, he has fellow DIS'ers hanging out with him chatting and playing.

I can imagine not everyone that is part of Dis knows yet that this happened and of course there are those that don't care. :confused:
What an absolutely black-hearted thing for someone to say. Very sad how some players feel the need to insult others and try to take away their fun in a game.

Not all kids are mean. :)

Very true Monkey. I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful kids in vmk - including you, my friend. :)

Sad that someone felt the need to wish Slinky ill, DIS member or not. Just sad.

The real world is cruel enough, it's supposed to be fun in their ppl. Be nice to each other.
Wow just shocked and disgusted. To wish anyone not get well which would mean death is cruel !!rude!! obnoxious!!!. And I hope this kid never has to face being ill for they would know how horrible it is to say that.

Karma does bite and someday it will get this kid unless he changes his ways. Wonder what his parents are like if he acts this way.

I am just appalled. Sorry bug for this kid's stupid selfish jealousy in what he said. I know how much that would hurt. Hugs my friend :)
Bug u better be glad i wasen't there or i would have released a can of whoop-ban! lol
So so so sorry he said this to you. I am shocked at some of the things said in pirates. I think if these people act like this in a virtual game, imagine what horrible nasty people they are in the real world. Hugs to you Bug!:hug:

Please pm me this players name!:)
That is by far the most awful thing I've heard anyone on VMK do. Way worse than spaming imho. Does VMK ban for this kind of stuff? They really should!

I try keep close tabs on what DD does on-line. If she ever did anything like that she would loose a lot more than her VMK account.

Maybe some good can come of it though. Some of us newbies didn't know about Ink. Now we do. More prayers and well wishes going out for her!

Could someone PM me the name of this DISer? I want to make sure we stay clear of him.
I am absolutely, postively ANNOYED APALLED and FURIOUS at this person. I can't believe someone would even say that! Ink had bad news yesterday also there are some nasty rumors going about which are all false. If it is no trouble bug I would like to know that person's name I believe I can provide that nasty karma. All I can say to the person is you better watch out!
This is truly disgusting, after everything you and your family have been through. I want nothing to do with this slimeball.

Apparently he didn't get the memo:

"Good manners in pirates rule!" :rolleyes:

And Spongeblair, don't say anything that might get you banned. I'd rather see you still in the game than whoever this nasty player may be.

While I try to be nice to every player, if they give me any good reason not to be nice to them, Evil Briar comes out to play. :stir:

I wanted to share this with my fellow Disers. I was on my girl bug today playing pirates. I ran into a well known Diser in the pirate lobby that use to be on my friends list. I had deleted him after a very close friend(on a peep) had played pirates a couple times with him and he was down right nasty in the game to them not knowing they were a diser. There is no reason to be mean in pirates. Anyway I ran into him today and he commented that it was nice of me to delete him. It seems he was not happy and as he was leaving the lobby I got a screen shot of what he said. So sad that people we know on here can be so down right mean and nasty to wish a child ill. Am I surprised... no because I have seen other posts about him but if you want to say something bad about me fine but why on earth wish a kid ill. Well my thoughts are if he reads this beware as karma will get to him and he never knows what can happen........

For those that do not know My son CL_Slinkyman was diagnosed with cancer last summer-he has had treatment and is all better.

Here is the shot.


Good thing there are more good then bad on here right now...


Wow :sad2: that is just terrible!! I am sorry someone could be so heartless enough to say such a horrible thing.
Rob and I were in playing pirates this morning and ended up leaving both games because of rude ppl. I wish ppl could mind their own business and when did parents stop teaching if you can't say something nice don't say it at all. :mad: :guilty: pirate: :sad2: :mad: :guilty: :eek:

Hugs to you Bug :grouphug:
Bug ... I am sorry too you had to have a run in with this person. What he said is truly one of the meanest things I have heard. Being Rob's brother I already know who he is and what he is about. In my opinion what he does in vmk is just as bad as what was done to so many ppl by scamming them of their items. He also deserves a lifetime ban for the hurt he has caused people for many months now with his constant trash talk in vmk. Its never been directed at me but I have witnessed it and his kind are not welcome on the pirate dock or anywhere in vmk.
That is not right to say to you bug, im sorry that this person was being so mean and rude, could someone please PM me this persons title? :sad2:
Unfortunately, Bears, everytime I see this punk in the pirate lobby, he has fellow DIS'ers hanging out with him chatting and playing.

If you could PM the names of the fellow DIS'er he hangs out with please.... He is so awful, and if they dont get that... I dont really want to be around them either.
:eek: :eek: I am beyond shocked at such behavior. I am also sad that you should be hurt by a Dis -er :sad2: Guess we have more than one bad apple in the bunch :mad:
OMG Bug i am completely appalled at this behavior. could you pm me their name if you have a chance so i can stay away from them? TIA
I am so sad that you had to experience that Bug. You too SkippyPaul. There is no place in VMK for a person like that.

Pixie Dust to you both pixiedust: pixiedust:
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