What is happening to some Disers??

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:eek: :eek: I am beyond shocked at such behavior. I am also sad that you should be hurt by a Dis -er :sad2: Guess we have more than one bad apple in the bunch :mad:

Oh yes... there is WAY more than one bad apple around here.... way way more.
UGH! How could someone ever say that... Please PM me the name so I can know who to watch out for.
That's terrible. Bug can you pm me their title, so I can delete them if they are on my list. So sorry this has hpeened to you.
Most of the time, when I read people posting about how they are "shocked" by some minor act of annoyance on VMK, I roll my eyes and think to myself "get over it, grow a pair, thicken your skin, or ignore them."

Not this time. I am truly shocked. How anyone could tell a parent that they hope her child remains sick and dies is beyond me. Those are fighting words. Deserves a swift boot in the rear.

I agree that this is by far the most awful thing I've heard anyone on VMK do. That had to violate at least two or three VMK Values and House Rules. That should be reported.

But, in related news, Slinky is "all better?" As in full remission? I had not heard this, and was afraid to ask. So, as angry as I am at whoever said that wicked thing, I am nonetheless overjoyed reading this post. I hope he stays healthy until he is a very old man.
I am so sorry that you had to listen to words like that from another Diser or VMK player for that matter. Totally not acceptable at all. So sorry that this has happened to you.
I'm sorry that SkippyPaul and Sweet have also had to listen to unkind words from this player as well.
Someone has told me this players title, so I also know who we are talking about.
Thank-You for sharing this with us all.
Unfortunately, Bears, everytime I see this punk in the pirate lobby, he has fellow DIS'ers hanging out with him chatting and playing.

Anyone who wants his name so they can delete him off their list, PM me, Bug, or SkippyPaul. I would love to broadcast his name all around.

Well pink all I can say is if Disers hang around with the likes of this person it is not saying much about them....

Wow just shocked and disgusted. To wish anyone not get well which would mean death is cruel !!rude!! obnoxious!!!. And I hope this kid never has to face being ill for they would know how horrible it is to say that.

Karma does bite and someday it will get this kid unless he changes his ways. Wonder what his parents are like if he acts this way.

I am just appalled. Sorry bug for this kid's stupid selfish jealousy in what he said. I know how much that would hurt. Hugs my friend :)

Big hugs back my friend!

Bug u better be glad i wasen't there or i would have released a can of whoop-ban! lol

Thanks Dis! Too bad they do not ban for cruelty.

That is by far the most awful thing I've heard anyone on VMK do. Way worse than spaming imho. Does VMK ban for this kind of stuff? They really should!

I try keep close tabs on what DD does on-line. If she ever did anything like that she would loose a lot more than her VMK account.

Maybe some good can come of it though. Some of us newbies didn't know about Ink. Now we do. More prayers and well wishes going out for her!

Could someone PM me the name of this DISer? I want to make sure we stay clear of him.

Pm sent to evryone who has asked. I think I am caught up at the monment.

I am absolutely, postively ANNOYED APALLED and FURIOUS at this person. I can't believe someone would even say that! Ink had bad news yesterday also there are some nasty rumors going about which are all false. If it is no trouble bug I would like to know that person's name I believe I can provide that nasty karma. All I can say to the person is you better watch out!

Yellow PLEASE PLEASE do not do anything that will get you in trouble. You are much to valuable a friend to have something happen to you-I would never forgive my self for posting this if you got in trouble. As far as the rumors go-Ink told be about them. He is a strong kid and is weathering the storm.

This has to be one of the worst things I've heard about on VMK. People have been banned for lesser crimes yet this player is still on there. It is down right appalling. I'm just pleased that Ink wasn't online to witness it himself. You have our full support :hug:
:mad:Seeing that screen shot makes me ill! If you don't mind sending off another pm, I would like to know who this jerk is so I don't have any contact with him.
:grouphug: Hugs for you and Ink
Most of the time, when I read people posting about how they are "shocked" by some minor act of annoyance on VMK, I roll my eyes and think to myself "get over it, grow a pair, thicken your skin, or ignore them."

Not this time. I am truly shocked. How anyone could tell a parent that they hope her child remains sick and dies is beyond me. Those are fighting words. Deserves a swift boot in the rear.

I agree that this is by far the most awful thing I've heard anyone on VMK do. That had to violate at least two or three VMK Values and House Rules. That should be reported.

But, in related news, Slinky is "all better?" As in full remission? I had not heard this, and was afraid to ask. So, as angry as I am at whoever said that wicked thing, I am nonetheless overjoyed reading this post. I hope he stays healthy until he is a very old man.


Thank you for your kind words. Off topic yes ink is all better. His treatments ended and he was declared cancer free. He had his first 3 month check up in May and all went great. In august he will have his next checkup which will be more intense with blood work and cat scan. The doctors feel he has a great outlook ahead and I am keeping positive thoughts. This will make him a better person in the end. We have had such enormous support here and on VMK that it has made all this more bearable to handle. Thanks everyone!


Apparently he didn't get the memo:

"Good manners in pirates rule!" :rolleyes:

And Spongeblair, don't say anything that might get you banned. I'd rather see you still in the game than whoever this nasty player may be.

While I try to be nice to every player, if they give me any good reason not to be nice to them, Evil Briar comes out to play. :stir:

....Runs and hides from Evil Briar:scared1: ...

hehe Thanks Briar :)

Wow :sad2: that is just terrible!! I am sorry someone could be so heartless enough to say such a horrible thing.
Rob and I were in playing pirates this morning and ended up leaving both games because of rude ppl. I wish ppl could mind their own business and when did parents stop teaching if you can't say something nice don't say it at all. :mad: :guilty: pirate: :sad2: :mad: :guilty: :eek:

Hugs to you Bug :grouphug:

Bug ... I am sorry too you had to have a run in with this person. What he said is truly one of the meanest things I have heard. Being Rob's brother I already know who he is and what he is about. In my opinion what he does in vmk is just as bad as what was done to so many ppl by scamming them of their items. He also deserves a lifetime ban for the hurt he has caused people for many months now with his constant trash talk in vmk. Its never been directed at me but I have witnessed it and his kind are not welcome on the pirate dock or anywhere in vmk.

You all have me wondering If i should report this. I have not yet. Not sure it would do any good..

:eek: :eek: I am beyond shocked at such behavior. I am also sad that you should be hurt by a Dis -er :sad2: Guess we have more than one bad apple in the bunch :mad:

sadly we think being Dis makes everyone perfect-it is a good cover up for some as we have seen lately.

I almost cried when I saw this. That's absolutely horrible.

Wow Cardinal this means a lot to me :hug: Hugs

:sad1: Wow. I'm shocked. It's just so upsetting to me that someone would make a comment like this! :sad2: Absolutely horrible. If you could please PM me the name, so I won't play pirates with this person, it would be much appreciated.

:hug: Big hugs to you and the family!
I'm so sorry. Why would someone do that? :sad2:
I've had many experiences with rude pirates (and so did everyone else)
VMK even says that you shouldn't get mad, basically because thats the point of the game; to shoot the other ship. Some kids don't realize that though.
Hugs to everyone :hug:
I am so sorry someone is so rude and selfish they would say that to you. :sad1: I don't know if I need a certain amount of posts to be able to us PM? But if not, someone please let me know so I can avoid this person and tell my kids to also.
Anybody who would make such a statement about a kid who's survived cancer has got to be sick..disturbed...valueless...self-centered...disturbed...I could go on and on!

There are all types in this world...AND in vmk. Sorry Ink and Bug this happened. Bears has already PM'd me their title.
I..cant...wow. Just. wow.

And actually, I think I may know who it is.

I've had MANY encounters with him. I deleted him a while back.

I'm shocked he's not even showing his face to give you a simple apology. Although that won't make up for that disgusting comment.
You all have me wondering If i should report this. I have not yet. Not sure it would do any good..

Bug, I would have reported this. The person obviously knows what went on with Ink and is basically wishing for him to die. Not only does it hurt you, but it's plain out and out hateful.
That is the lowest of the low. There was no right to bring your son into that conversation..and about being deleted from a friend's list! A ridiculous reason with a disgusting reaction.

I am truly sorry for this occurrence. May i please be PM'd the DIS name and VMK name of this monster?

Thanks ang Good Luck Bug! (((HUGS)))
Wow, you can't even use being a youth as an excuse for that one. Any 4 year old would know that was a terrible thing to say! If i have ever played pirates with this person in the past, (i can't remember) I can assure you, it will never happen again. Thanks bug for letting us know the character of this dis person. Oh i am so mad right now!:mad:
Wow... and I thought all the scamming was making me angry. The scamming is nothing compared to this. That's just pathetic and said that someone could be so awful to say something like that:sad2: :mad: What is this game turning into?
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