The "I am Banned from VMK" Thread.

Hey Bubble I'm not sure if you tried this yet or even thought about it but what about giving them a call and leaving them a message there? They do eventually get back to you. I made a call a while ago and it took maybe a week to finally get someone to call me back but they were nice and pretty helpful. If you need the number you can pm me for it. Perhaps talking to a person might be easier than trying to do this through email? Anyways good luck to you and we are SO going to have that party when you get back on! :hug:
Paul, I would love to say your correct about disney but you are not anywhere near correct. I use to work for Disney and was there almost 8 years before I had had enough and left for good.
I started working in food service and then got into the entertainment division..YEA! But I can tell you as a employee, the entertainment department employees are treated like royality and the others like trash. Granted I worked my butt off in the entertainment department but it was a dream job. Disney was a great place to go and visit and wonderful to work for, but I left when one CEO, which I won't name, ruined the magic of the whole experience that Disney had. Underground and backstage tours is just one of many ways that were never ever envisioned by Walt. Granted Disney is for children but tons of adults go and just love it, but behind the scene tours were nothing more than a way to line his wallet and build up his stock options or golden parachutte.
Now I live about 25 minute from WDW and I haven't been in 9 years, because I can't afford to take my kids. Admission prices just went up to 71 a piece, per person, per park. So for me to take my 3 kids and myself would cost me 284 plus 10 for parking, oh and then there is the 10 small container of popcorn and 5 dollar 20 oz bottle of soda. Anyways going to disney is something I will probally never see again and my kids won't enjoy the magic of disney either. On a side note, when I work for Disney (magic kingdom) the park was always spotless, and lines straight for the rides and so on. Well the last time we visited Magic kingdom I was sick at the pure filth and no real lines for ride, people cut you and everything, it was a miserable experience. I did complain to customer service and they just said sorry but we are a busy business. So when I got home, I called disney and said I was disappointed and they said sorry but things change and as long as people enter the gates they aren't going to change. So after that phone call, we bought season ticket to universal studios/Island of adventure. My kids love universal, but they would love to see what Disney is like. Hey maybe I will win the lottery someday..LOL
Anyways, I guess my point is, that in todays society it is not the customer is always right anymore. It's about money and if you, the customer, aren't happy or satisfied you might get a so sorry, but they aren't going to do anything about it.
If someone gets the right phone number to call and gets help please let me know! I would really like to get the ban removed from my record and I refuse to write vmk again, plus vmk shorty said I would be banned much longer if I wrote again and frivilious issues.
Take care everyone :)
Paul, I would love to say your correct about disney but you are not anywhere near correct. I use to work for Disney and was there almost 8 years before I had had enough and left for good.
I started working in food service and then got into the entertainment division..YEA! But I can tell you as a employee, the entertainment department employees are treated like royality and the others like trash. Granted I worked my butt off in the entertainment department but it was a dream job. Disney was a great place to go and visit and wonderful to work for, but I left when one CEO, which I won't name, ruined the magic of the whole experience that Disney had. Underground and backstage tours is just one of many ways that were never ever envisioned by Walt. Granted Disney is for children but tons of adults go and just love it, but behind the scene tours were nothing more than a way to line his wallet and build up his stock options or golden parachutte.
Now I live about 25 minute from WDW and I haven't been in 9 years, because I can't afford to take my kids. Admission prices just went up to 71 a piece, per person, per park. So for me to take my 3 kids and myself would cost me 284 plus 10 for parking, oh and then there is the 10 small container of popcorn and 5 dollar 20 oz bottle of soda. Anyways going to disney is something I will probally never see again and my kids won't enjoy the magic of disney either. On a side note, when I work for Disney (magic kingdom) the park was always spotless, and lines straight for the rides and so on. Well the last time we visited Magic kingdom I was sick at the pure filth and no real lines for ride, people cut you and everything, it was a miserable experience. I did complain to customer service and they just said sorry but we are a busy business. So when I got home, I called disney and said I was disappointed and they said sorry but things change and as long as people enter the gates they aren't going to change. So after that phone call, we bought season ticket to universal studios/Island of adventure. My kids love universal, but they would love to see what Disney is like. Hey maybe I will win the lottery someday..LOL
Anyways, I guess my point is, that in todays society it is not the customer is always right anymore. It's about money and if you, the customer, aren't happy or satisfied you might get a so sorry, but they aren't going to do anything about it.
If someone gets the right phone number to call and gets help please let me know! I would really like to get the ban removed from my record and I refuse to write vmk again, plus vmk shorty said I would be banned much longer if I wrote again and frivilious issues.
Take care everyone :)

WOW this amazes me. I have been to WDW twice a year for the past 7 years and have not seen this. Last time I was there in April a bottle of water (Dasani) or soda was $2.25 for 20 ounce and a 12 ounce water was $1.25. The popcorn in the souvenir bucket was $4.00. I did not find it dirty I found the lines organized as everything has queues. I still find it magical.

Pink thanks for asking Fin for me. That was sweet of her to wish me luck, although you wonder if she knows how tough a process it is to get unbanned :lmao: Lost, I can't believe that Shorty threatened to lengthen your ban. The number that rickyratsmom posted a few pages back for VMK Operations worked for me today, and I left a voicemail (this also responds to your comment Batty :) ). Now let's see how long it takes them to call back!

So here's what I'm wondering. After Bears said that scripting program is short keys, what about VMK Pal? I used the Short keys in there a few times during my ride the other day because I was having so much lag. On VMKPal, they cite a newsletter where VMK says it's ok to use those if running a game or assisting people as long as you don't spam the screen. Now I know several of you wonderful DISers sat in there with me most of the night. Did it appear as if I was spamming? I was using them to welcome people to the ride and give instructions. This couldn't be what caused it, could it? Especially since I was using them within the guidelines. I wish they would just give me a freaking straight answer as to what I did, so I wouldn't have to rack my brain for anything I may have done the past month.

Arg. They really don't make VMK player friendly :( I can't imagine being a parent who doesn't play VMK and having to deal with your kid getting banned. It's tough enough for adults who know and "understand" *cough* VMK to figure out what's going on. Again, thanks for all the help, letters, supportive words, FreeBubble rooms (cough Roller), FreeBubble chants (cough Roller and Samariah), and FreeBubble clones (cough Roller again). It means more than I can, especially after today's news. :hug: to all of you
I thought you just typed really fast and remembered what to say! No, all you did was greet the people that came in!
I'm proud to say I've joined the chanting club! :lmao:

SO sorry that this happened to you Bubble! It's COMPLETELY unfair.

To think there are people actually BREAKING the Values and aren't getting banned, and you do... :furious: :furious: :furious:
.. So here's what I'm wondering. After Bears said that scripting program is short keys, what about VMK Pal? I used the Short keys in there a few times during my ride the other day because I was having so much lag. On VMKPal, they cite a newsletter where VMK says it's ok to use those if running a game or assisting people as long as you don't spam the screen...

I use the short keys all the time .. almost everytime I go through the Monorail ... I remind people to turn off their sounds setting and they won't crash ... if that is a VMK violation I'm in big trouble. So much for trying to help people not crash. :headache:
I use the short keys all the time .. almost everytime I go through the Monorail ... I remind people to turn off their sounds setting and they won't crash ... if that is a VMK violation I'm in big trouble. So much for trying to help people not crash. :headache:

Yeah I'm not for sure on this at all. I was just trying to think of ANYTHING I could have possibly done and when Bears said Short keys, this came to mind. Other than that, I'm still at a loss....:confused3 This is the only thing I could think of that would relate in anyway whatsoever to their email response and their reason for banning.

And Red, thanks for joining the chant on my behalf. I've seen a few of you (Roller, Pirate, Titanic) with the Free Bubble in their signature and honestly tears welled up. I've heard about people stopping Roller's Free Bubble room and the "sit-in" help by Roller and Samariah and it just amazes me. Hopefully we can get this resolved and all be reunited soon! Then Roller, I can stop singing Billy Idol and "dancing with myself oh oh a dancing with myself" :lmao: and can dance with friends instead!
Yeah I'm not for sure on this at all. I was just trying to think of ANYTHING I could have possibly done and when Bears said Short keys, this came to mind. Other than that, I'm still at a loss....:confused3 This is the only thing I could think of that would relate in anyway whatsoever to their email response and their reason for banning.

And Red, thanks for joining the chant on my behalf. I've seen a few of you (Roller, Pirate, Titanic) with the Free Bubble in their signature and honestly tears welled up. I've heard about people stopping Roller's Free Bubble room and the "sit-in" help by Roller and Samariah and it just amazes me. Hopefully we can get this resolved and all be reunited soon! Then Roller, I can stop singing Billy Idol and "dancing with myself oh oh a dancing with myself" :lmao: and can dance with friends instead!

:hug: bubble i've been singing HSM for you, because you know you want me to ;) We miss you a bunch :( and of course i've been singing billy idol for you XD I'll post some pics of closing in my room :)


From what I have read Short Keys are ok as long a you allow a 4 second interval between each use. Well I was in your quest room and I guarantee you did not exceed that! More than that is considered spamming. Hopefully you will be contacted soon. Have everything ready when they do call. The codes and anything else you can think of. Also I do not know if this is possible, but if you are being banned for using some third party program to generate codes invite them to log into your pc to view all programs, files etc. I know this is possible with many larger companies, like Macafee, Roadrunner, Microsoft etc. Since they can ban an IP I believe this is possible. Good luck we are all rooting for you!!
Little lost and I (Lost) are not going to play pirates without you! We will be waiting for you to come back!!
on a side note, did you get my PM I sent you the other day??
Well I'm chanting right along with everyone else. Roller I'll have to come join your sit in rooms.
Everyone have a nice day, as well as we can without our BUBBLE! We miss you and want you back NOW!! Hug bubbles and keep your chin up.
Lost and little Lost
I hope that they correct their mistake quickly. It's terrible that they do not explain their bans to players more clearly. It would be so much easier to explain why you feel your ban in unfair if you knew their reasoning behind it.
if everyone sent in a message to contact us, they cannot ignore it
if everyone sent in a message to contact us, they cannot ignore it

Yes, they can. All the emails in the world won't make any difference.
Bubbles has to talk to vmk staff to find out the reason for her ban and ask for a review. Once it's been reviewed, they will decide if it's fair or not. If found to be a fair ban, it will stay. If found unfair, they will lift it with a lame apology and nothing more.
Don't waste your time or vmk's time with a flood of emails. It won't help her cause and may hinder their progress by taking time sorting through all those emails.

Note to Bubbles: I see where you stated having used VMKPal's short keys for a game room. Did you know that VMK does consider VMKPal to be a scripting program? It is not a part of Disney's software, it is user created and not approved for use with VMK. Just an fyi.
One more thing. Sometimes bans happen days after the offense occurred. Were you entering a lot of codes any time within a week before the actual ban? It sounds like your ban was a computer-generated ban, not one from a live moderator. Something triggered the computer to place a permanent ban on your machine, character and/or IP address. Ask them if your ban is a three-way ban. Sounds like it is. Keep in mind, some bans DO get overturned.
Best of luck with this!

For the record, VMK CANNOT TELL if codes have been "generated" or not. There is simply NO WAY for them to determine the difference, since, the codes are NOT generated, but rather "Harvested" - the term "Generator" is somewhat misleading, since all the programs I have seen or heard about were simple harvesting programs.
Well Bubble, you know everyone is with you! :)
I went on my mule this morning and sent Contact Us a letter. Hockey is planning on making one today too.


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