A trip to WDW w/NO kids? Hubba Hubba! Wink Wink! UPDATE: EXTRA, EXTRA!!! Pg 158

To the tune of "Belle" (well not perfectly but you get the gist) I had to separate it into the different sections so I labeled them....

[ crowd:] Look there she goes that girl is so peculiar
I wonder if she's feeling well
Woulda thought she’s such a wiz
But her nose stuck in the DIS
What a puzzle to the rest of us….cherbear

[Me:] Oh, isn't this amazing?
It's my favorite part because you'll see
Here's where I met my husband
But he won't discover I’m crazy…til Disney!

[ crowd:] Now it's no wonder that her name means "crazy"
Her plans have got no point to them
But after that wild plan
I'm afraid she’ll kick the can
Very diff'rent from the rest of us
She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us…cherbear

[Mike:] Right from the moment when I met her, saw her
I said she's a hot one, I can tell
Here in the south there’s only she
Who’s a perfect match for me
So I'm settling down and gonna marry her

[Me:] Look there he goes
Isn't he dreamy?
Mickey Mouse,
Oh he's so cute
Be still my heart
I'm hardly breathing
He's such a tall, dark, big eared handsome mouse

[ crowd:] Look there she goes a girl who's strange but “special”
A most peculiar Disser now
Her pre-trip is so-so
But then she’ll get to go
She’ll bring some pictures back,
They’ll say she really is a funny girl….

Loved ur song!

Question? U meant ur husband at Disney?

BUT The best part is…..when I was trying to get to sleep that night, I heard a chewing noise---I looked up and it was Grandma standing by the television EATING that same piece of bacon that no one wanted!:eek:

(when I asked her why she got up to eat it, she said she didn't want to waste it! LOL)

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: OMG, thats so funny. i usually save one bite of my fav thing for last u know to savor the flavor :lmao: (at breakfast it is bacon) my boyfriend teases me about it but if i would've tried to save it for that much later i dont know what he would've done
he said “Do youse girls[that’s really how he speaks] want to drive up to Disney World to see where we’re staying?” We silently scratched our heads, and my cousin piped up “What do you mean?” He said, “We’ll drive there and see what our resort looks like, and then we’ll come back” When we both screamed “Are you NUTS?! We’re not driving to Disney just to come right back! We won’t go there unless we are staying for at least a week!”
And let me tell you, he was DEAD serious.

:rotfl: goodness...ur grandparents are adorable...thanks 4 sharin ur stories with us, im definatly enjoying them (even though its a year later)
Well, this is starting to sound more like a weight-watchers diary than a pre-trip report, so I think I’ll stop with the elaborations from now on. I will, however, continue to post my meals so that I can see what I’ve eaten---plus it motivates me because when I am tempted I think “when I eat this, I’m going to have to post it on the board and I will be embarrassed that I’ve cheated” Seriously…am I weird for thinking that way? I don’t care if I am. :p

i take note of everything i eat too. 2 places, in an old phone (it holds 500 calandar posts) so every day i put in what i eat for B, L, D and also on LiveJournal (but im not faithful in putting it there cause i dont have internet at home anymore so when im at work i'd rather spend some time on Dis than updating my food journal:surfweb: No matter how i monitor it i think its good cause i can tell how bad ive been
i take note of everything i eat too. 2 places, in an old phone (it holds 500 calandar posts) so every day i put in what i eat for B, L, D and also on LiveJournal (but im not faithful in putting it there cause i dont have internet at home anymore so when im at work i'd rather spend some time on Dis than updating my food journal:surfweb: No matter how i monitor it i think its good cause i can tell how bad ive been

Richard Simmons swears by journaling. It keeps you grounded and helps.
Written by yours truly...on a special day...

I'll give you the short version. I think you all can figure out what tune this is sung to.

On the 12th day before Disney my planning came to be…..
12 loads of laundry
11 days of packing
10 hours of DISing
9 days of walking
8 days of working
7 chances to win the castle
6 days of free dining
5 cups of coffee!!!
4 full suitcases
3 days of shopping
2 puppy kisses
and 1 night of no sleep (I’m too EXCITED to sleep!)

So what'dya think?

nitey nite everyone!

NEXT: Song for 11 days!

cute, very catching
Song for day #9!! First of the single digits!

This is sung to the tune of “Rockstar” by Nickelback. (which is currently my ringtone on my cell) Hope y’all like this one! It’s LOOONG, and I even cut it short! This was hard!

I’m through with standin’ in lines
In the middle of the summer
It’s like ridin Buzz Lightyear
I’m never gonna win
This vacation is gonna turn out
Exactly the way I want it to be
(In only nine days)

I want a hotel room
In a preferred location
And a pool that I can go swimmin’ in
And a king sized bed big enough
For Me and Mike
(yeah, that’s all I need)

I want a Disney Gift card that’s got no limit
And a monorail with a bench seat in it
Gonna get my co-pilot badge
By sitting in the front seat
(I’ve never done that)

I want an ME bus full of DISers
And a parade on Hollywood Boulevard
Somewhere between Star Tours
And Beauty and the Beast
(So how am I gonna do it?)

I wanna trade this life for Walt Disney World
I’ll even buy some pins and press some coins

Cuz we all just wanna work at Disney World
Wearin’ princess dresses, singin’ Disney songs
The kids come easy and the fun comes cheap
We’ll all stay skinny cuz we’ll sweat it out
And we’ll hang out in the Adventurer’s Club
And we’ll DIS when we’re off the clock
Every good little DISer’s gonna wind up there
Every Cherbear, Leger, and Trentmom will go..
And well….

Hey, hey I wanna be a CM
Hey, hey I wanna be a CM

I wanna be Snow White, or even Alice
Hire seven little dwarfs that like to feed me apples
Get on the dining plan

So I can eat my meals for free
(I’ll have the Mickey waffle—haha)

I’m gonna dress myself
In the prettiest costume
Get an ADR at Cindy’s castle

Gonna eat a lotta food
So much that I will wanna scream
(So how am I gonna do it?)

I’m gonna trade this life for Walt Disney World
I’ll even quit my job and catch a plane

Cuz we all just wanna work at Disney World
Wearin’ princess dresses, singin’ Disney songs
The kids come easy and the fun comes cheap
We’ll all stay skinny cuz we’ll sweat it out
And we’ll hang out in the Adventurer’s Club
And we’ll DIS when we’re off the clock
Every good little DISer’s gonna wind up there
Every Cherbear, Leger, and Trentmom will go..
And we’ll hide out in the backstage rooms
With the latest DISers
And the CM’s too
They’ll get you anything
With those lime crocs on
Everybody’s got a lime green Mickey head
Hey, hey, I wanna be a CM
Hey, hey, I wanna be a CM

finally another song that i know (the tune of, i was feeling lost for a second)
Song for 8 days! (sorry so late....but still officially 8 days!)

Well...I'm changing it up a bit. This one comes from an old TV show theme song. To the tune of "Gilligan's Island theme song"...oh, and Disneydad, just remember it's all in fun! :thumbsup2

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
A tale of a real fun trip
That started from this trip-report
You’ll get a real big kick

There’s one that might be a crazy man
His wife sure thinks so
A bunch of us will be goin’ too
For free dining and more

Free dining and more.

The weather might make it tough
It will probably rain
If not for the ponchos and the flip flops
Our socks would be wet.

Our socks would be wet.

The trip’s gettin’ close, just 8 days away
Been waiting a little while
With Leger, her DH too
And Disneydad and his wife
With Krazy, LastPrincess, and Tat2disneymom
Here on Cherbear’s trip report!​

NEXT: Dad liberates some LGMH's at HD!

yup i know this one too, who doesnt

Woohoo!!! I thanked him for going with me, and he said, “Well, I just wanted to see the little Mexicans and get some pics” :lmao: (just so no one thinks he’s being racist I should mention he is part Mexican--though he doesn’t look it does he?)

My BF is Puerto Rican but you couldnt tell with his red hair and blue eyes. :rotfl:
Well I don’t know if it is good or bad that I’m only a couple of pages behind after being AFK for the past 6 weeks, but at least I was able to catch up pretty quick ;)

Cool that you caught rope drop at MGM and had so much fun on ToT. Darn them not having RnRC open for y’all though! Those pics with Rosie are fantastic and cool that you two left the lipstick on the rest of the day :D What a look of concentration you had drawing your Donald face …and yes, you left Mike in the dust with your sketch.

And WOW, you did run into a gaggle of characters …I’ve never seen such a group at MGM before! And very cute pics “with” the characters :) And BIG WHOOHOO!!! For getting chosen for Indiana Jones!!! It looks like you had a great time out there and very cute with the sleeves hanging down. And great that you got to meet Indy – yay! And the bonus of pulling the rope in the well – my girls LOVE doing that :rotfl:

Thank you for the parade pics …my girls wanted to ride rides and just wouldn’t stop for the parade :P And then more character interaction with the Army Men …you really lucked out! And I think there are just some days that are meant to be long ones. If you had taken a break you would have missed some good stuff :goodvibes

I was very sorry to hear about your grandma :( I am glad she passed on peacefully. Much love and prayers from me and my family as you and yours work through this tough time :hug: :grouphug: :hug:

Now I'll head over to the bacon report and see what's been going on there :woohoo:

you should see the pictures we did THIS year ;) (and you will...soon, my friend!)

you're welcome!(on the parade pics)

thank you! I thought about her while we were in Disneyworld. Funny memories!

I guess I should mention that while we were away my Grandpa found out he has cancer. He is the one that was married to my late grandma a long time ago...also the one that is responsible for my going to DisneyWorld so much growing up. He is living in PA (Philly area) so I might take a trip up (with my Mom) to see him soon.

They found the cancer in his lungs but they think it started somewhere else. I haven't heard anything more but will let y'all know when I do hear something. I hope it hasn't spread too far! :scared:

Just wanted to post again how beautiful this picture is!!!

Ok, I'm back and can't believe you are almost in WDW!!! Woo Hoo, 2 more weeks!!!


Yeah, I can't believe it's already over. I'm ready to go back!

Loved ur song!

Question? U meant ur husband at Disney?

did you mean did I MEET my husband at Disney? If so, the answer is no: We met in college.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: OMG, thats so funny. i usually save one bite of my fav thing for last u know to savor the flavor :lmao: (at breakfast it is bacon) my boyfriend teases me about it but if i would've tried to save it for that much later i dont know what he would've done

she was certainly a character.

:rotfl: goodness...ur grandparents are adorable...thanks 4 sharin ur stories with us, im definatly enjoying them (even though its a year later)


if you're still reading then you probably don't know yet that I never have finished this report :rolleyes: (I will post the rest of the pictures when I get a chance)

i take note of everything i eat too. 2 places, in an old phone (it holds 500 calandar posts) so every day i put in what i eat for B, L, D and also on LiveJournal (but im not faithful in putting it there cause i dont have internet at home anymore so when im at work i'd rather spend some time on Dis than updating my food journal:surfweb: No matter how i monitor it i think its good cause i can tell how bad ive been

Richard Simmons swears by journaling. It keeps you grounded and helps.

it really does! I should do that again

cute, very catching


finally another song that i know (the tune of, i was feeling lost for a second)

I love that song (the original I mean)

When i worked at Pop i got to ride a Segway to do front desk errands. it was tons of fun. i miss it

How cool is that!

How tall are you? I'm like 5'2 (im guessing cause last time i got measured i was 5'1 but then someone i know says she's 5'1 and im taller than her

5'0...or rather, 4' 11 1/2" (four-eleven and a half)

My BF is Puerto Rican but you couldnt tell with his red hair and blue eyes. :rotfl:

wow! :rotfl:

I think we need a pic of him too!

That is me saying, “Mike, would you stop taking pictures and DRAW”

wow ur Donald looks really good!
Next up: Our first DIS meet! And channeling our inner child!

where's the link? there's no direct link. does that mean im all caught up? :confused3 well im gonna go read the inbetween stuff while i paitently wait for more...u will update wont u? both of them? no pressure or anything cant wait to read more
There's a few of you that already know this, but I wanted to announce it here so my readers will know where I've been.

It's my Grandma. She's not doing well. In fact, she probably will not make it through the week. Last week she stopped eating and talking. My aunt(who has POA) allowed the hospital to give her a feeding tube, even though her will states that she did not want anything like that.
Finally after a few days they took away the tube. Then her kidneys started failing. And her lungs got fluid in them. My family has been at the hospital constantly. I was up there Friday(left work early), and for 80% of my weekend.

It's a difficult time for my family, and I have kept to myself about it mostly. I'm sorry I haven't come around to tell y'all sooner.

God took her home mid-day yesterday. She went peacefully. The services will be tomorrow so I will not be around much, til maybe this weekend.

Thank y'all for all the kind words, hugs, prayers, and support.

:grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug: Sorry for your loss. my prayers are with ur family. :hug: :grouphug: :hug: Its never too late for condolences, :grouphug: :hug:


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