The DIS boards Extreme Challenge -DUE TODAY BY 11:00 PM!!!-

WDWfan36 said:
Opps, I never mentioned that but well, now you know!
wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so let me get this straight: if a task is too hard, you can just donate something as simple as a 25 credit shirt and you pass the task????? or does it have to be something of a certain value????? and is there a limit on the donations you can make????
Just wondering what the time deadline is for the task tomorrow.
TikiKrissy said:
Just wondering what the time deadline is for the task tomorrow.

10:00 pm!

dancegrl1093 said:

wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so let me get this straight: if a task is too hard, you can just donate something as simple as a 25 credit shirt and you pass the task????? or does it have to be something of a certain value????? and is there a limit on the donations you can make????

A type of rare prize for the prize room :)
Shoot! I must've missed this when it was bumped up. This is the first time I've seen it since task three started. But that's okay, I'll come up with something. I just need to know one thing: What criteria are you using to judge?
So, even if I have the most amazing, creative task, a person that donates a prize may knock me out of the running? Or would a person who puts effort into making a task get a higher priority? I think that's the most fair.
Please elaborate?
Thanks so much.
TikiKrissy said:
So, even if I have the most amazing, creative task, a person that donates a prize may knock me out of the running? Or would a person who puts effort into making a task get a higher priority? I think that's the most fair.
Please elaborate?
Thanks so much.

Yes a person who puts the most effort into making a task WOULd get a higher priority

First of all that's not how it goes. Okay a few people pm'ed me telling me this task was too challenging for them (I'm not sure how though) so I gave this option. That just means they pass dosen't mean you would be knocked out of the round.

Mnementh said:
Shoot! I must've missed this when it was bumped up. This is the first time I've seen it since task three started. But that's okay, I'll come up with something. I just need to know one thing: What criteria are you using to judge?

Most creative, originality, different, unique.
Excellent, thank you so much for the clarification. I was just afraid that most people were taking the "donate" option. :worried:
I appreciate your timely and honest response!
Cheers! :flower3:
It's great when members think up such creative contests, but allowing participants in your contest to "pay to play" can't be allowed. Giving whoever pays you an item a free pass is also very unfair to the people who actually complete the task at hand. (they could all donate and no one would be eliminated, or one person could work very hard on the task and be gone just because they did not.)

I understand you stated this was not endorsed by DIS in anyway, but we must insist that any contest posted here be fair to all members playing. :thumbsup2

I hope you can alter your "rules" so your contest can continue. It seems like you have some great participants!

These are the people I DO NOT have entrys from

9.Tink Mick Koda Miles
Hi all,
Just got my entry finished. I sent it to WDW36, Tiinkerbelle, AND Peasy because there is different color fonts involved which don't show up if you forward the document!!! (I found this out the hard way! :crazy2: ).
Hopefully the correct judge (Tiink, I think) will get it as it's intended to look, otherwise it'll take me quite a while to retype the whole thing.
Thanks so much.
oh wow - okay, I had no idea the rules changed. I had planned to donate a prize item for this round.

I have completed the task and sent it to WDWfan36. Please let me know that you received it. (Are we supposed to be sending it to more people now?)

A bit confused with the changes. Please let me know if I am set for this round.

Disney Dreams
i always do this in vmk, i feel horrible that i haven't done it until now. But I'd like to say good luck. Good luck with the judging, and good luck with the previous tasks which I should have said good luck for. And good game. Good job in all the previous rounds, those who passed and those who were eliminated. You are all truly creative, and I think it's wonderful how much you have all accomplished. So again, as I would say in VMK between rounds of Haunted Mansion or in a game of falling chairs, "gg and gl"!!!!!


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