The "I am Banned from VMK" Thread.


For the record, VMK CANNOT TELL if codes have been "generated" or not. There is simply NO WAY for them to determine the difference, since, the codes are NOT generated, but rather "Harvested" - the term "Generator" is somewhat misleading, since all the programs I have seen or heard about were simple harvesting programs.

No need to shout and this is off topic. I didn't say vmk could tell they were harvested codes or generated codes. She may have been entering hundreds of codes one day and banned a week later. That was the point I was trying to make.
I will edit my previous post, so there's no further confusion.

For the record, VMK CANNOT TELL if codes have been "generated" or not. There is simply NO WAY for them to determine the difference, since, the codes are NOT generated, but rather "Harvested" - the term "Generator" is somewhat misleading, since all the programs I have seen or heard about were simple harvesting programs.

Just to clarify, she did not say that VMK can tell codes that are generated from a generator. It is the volume of codes entered at a given time is what the trigger could be for the "computerized ban." Mimi's point was did she enter a large volume of codes.
well, they do not do the volume/speed bans any more so thats definately not what it was. I enter a large ammount of Sparrow codes every day and never even get a warning, much less a ban. And by large ammount, I mean 1500-2000 per day (and 250,000 codes later, I STILL have not gotten a sparrow costume)
No need to shout and this is off topic.

I was not shouting, but rather accenting. Shouting would have been if I had put every word in caps. No need to get offended over something that is COMPLETELY (accented, not shoutng, so there is no confusion), completely ON topic since you are attempting to decipher what the ban could have been for.

If I was to hazard a guess as to what the ban was for, it was that someone who does not like her is friends with a staff member and she was targetted for the ridiculous ban by a staff member who loves his/her suckups.
WOW this amazes me. I have been to WDW twice a year for the past 7 years and have not seen this. Last time I was there in April a bottle of water (Dasani) or soda was $2.25 for 20 ounce and a 12 ounce water was $1.25. The popcorn in the souvenir bucket was $4.00. I did not find it dirty I found the lines organized as everything has queues. I still find it magical.


hey Bug, I agree
I have been to WDW 10 times in the last 5 years as well as DLR
I have found it clean, CM's kind and courteous. We just returned on the 23rd and
had a great time.

AlonelyMom-- You can take your goodies into the park, snacks, drinks ( not glass bottles) I have even seen MANY people pulling roller ice-chest with them through the parks!
I hope you can enjoy the magic again!!princess:
I hope that they correct their mistake quickly. It's terrible that they do not explain their bans to players more clearly. It would be so much easier to explain why you feel your ban in unfair if you knew their reasoning behind it.

Amen to that... argggggg
Yes, they can. All the emails in the world won't make any difference.
Bubbles has to talk to vmk staff to find out the reason for her ban and ask for a review. Once it's been reviewed, they will decide if it's fair or not. If found to be a fair ban, it will stay. If found unfair, they will lift it with a lame apology and nothing more.
Don't waste your time or vmk's time with a flood of emails. It won't help her cause and may hinder their progress by taking time sorting through all those emails.

Note to Bubbles: I see where you stated having used VMKPal's short keys for a game room. Did you know that VMK does consider VMKPal to be a scripting program? It is not a part of Disney's software, it is user created and not approved for use with VMK. Just an fyi.
One more thing. Sometimes bans happen days after the offense occurred. Were you entering a lot of codes any time within a week before the actual ban? It sounds like your ban was a computer-generated ban, not one from a live moderator. Something triggered the computer to place a permanent ban on your machine, character and/or IP address. Ask them if your ban is a three-way ban. Sounds like it is. Keep in mind, some bans DO get overturned.
Best of luck with this!

Ok I've officially called them and am waiting to hear back. Hopefully it will be soon.

I know about VMK Pal, but VMk has specifically said that short keys are ok for game rooms or assisting people. In terms of codes, I never enter more than 50 a day at most. The week before my ban, I entered waterslide up and down codes from Tigger and I believe a few Sparrow ones, and then the three Holiday cards. Other than that, there weren't any others.

That's all I know to tell you right now.
I'm very sorry to hear what happened, Bubbles. Hope you're eventually able to get the ban cleared. It does sound like they can't make up their mind what you're being banned for. :confused3

When all is said and done, I think there are too many fine lines when it comes to interpreting VMK's house rules. There's something seriously wrong when even long-time players who share a wide base of knowledge can't understand what VMK really means.
As you know, many people have purchased the 'Pirate' pinsets for friends and reimbursed them. It is the same as selling an item.
Technically, this is not the same. The reason that buying the pin sets does not violate the TOS is that you are really buying pins, not game items; the cards they are on just happen to have "free" codes on them. Reselling them wouldn't be any problem, that I can see.
Did you know that VMK does consider VMKPal to be a scripting program? It is not a part of Disney's software, it is user created and not approved for use with VMK. Just an fyi.
Here is a quote from VMK's April 2006 newsletter:
Q: Can I use a program to help me enter my Codes faster?
A: Scripting, which includes any programs or utilities that use scripting capabilities to perform rote tasks (ie: entering codes), is a violation of the VMK Values. Any player caught using ANY scripting program may be banned. We allow exceptions for Players using a scripting program to repeat helpful texts used to run a game or assist players, provided the tool is not over-used to the point that it floods the chat window and makes it hard for others to chat.
This does not appear to automatically make the use of VMKPal's scripting function a violation. But who knows; somebody else could have ruled differently since then.
For the record, VMK CANNOT TELL if codes have been "generated" or not. There is simply NO WAY for them to determine the difference, since, the codes are NOT generated, but rather "Harvested" - the term "Generator" is somewhat misleading, since all the programs I have seen or heard about were simple harvesting programs.
I heard differently. Last year, players were being banned for entering codes that had originated from generators, "harvesters", whatever you want to call them. Didn't matter if the codes had been innocently obtained in trades; apparently VMK came up with a way to determine their origin when players entered them in the game, and acted accordingly. This got to be such a problem that some forums ended up prohibiting further code-trading for the items.

But back to Bubbles' situation. It just floors me that VMK would pounce on her for volunteering information about buying codes on Ebay, even if they arguably have the right to.

I've never gotten the impression that VMK has tried to track down which players were selling these codes or items in the first place, which would seem to be necessary if they were serious about stopping the Ebay sales. But they've never managed to put teeth to that part of the TOS. (And I think the Ebay "Dreams" promotion just made the whole issue more confusing to players.) To take advantage of one person who obviously didn't think what they were doing was wrong, when they've let slide so many who put codes and items up for auction, just seems out of whack.
They definitely could tell when some codes were harvested by a generator when the narnia codes thing happened. There was a web site that created a generator and admitted when they got caught and warned any users of the generator. They read the HTTP header packet and identified that the generator had a unique request that wasnt the same as when the game generated the link.
actually aengus, the request might have been different, but the code was not. They only caught people because, all of the sudden, an item which was 1 in 5000 codes was being put into the system en masse. People were putting in hundreds of them and selling them because each teleporter sold for 50 credits. they do not/cannot store the ip address which requested the codes or anything of that nature, unless they want the database to explode.
I'm very technologically challenged. But some how during the pirate well thing, they were able to differentiate between those from the quests and those that were not. Maybe they were "harvested" a different way??
actually aengus, the request might have been different, but the code was not. They only caught people because, all of the sudden, an item which was 1 in 5000 codes was being put into the system en masse. People were putting in hundreds of them and selling them because each teleporter sold for 50 credits. they do not/cannot store the ip address which requested the codes or anything of that nature, unless they want the database to explode.

True but what they did, was capture the IP address of who generated that code. I am sure they didnt leave it running because like you said it would hog a bunch of resources. But that doesnt mean they dont turn it on from time to time. They knew when to turn it on because there was sort of a countdown from a particular web site as to when the generator was coming out ROFL. Typical huh ROFL. They were taunting VMK pretty much with it and showing how smart they were. VMK was ready for them because they were so bold ROFL.

Of course they really were targetting the people who generated the code in the first place. Just like you said, once its a code its in the system, I doubt its flagged any differently than any other code in their system.
I'm very technologically challenged. But some how during the pirate well thing, they were able to differentiate between those from the quests and those that were not. Maybe they were "harvested" a different way??

dont know what you mean here. There was no generating on the wells. there was simply and issue with the well codes giving out the wrong item.


Thats possible, but I do not think they did that since the only people they banned were people who used narnia teleporter codes and that generator harvested many other codes as well
Just sent this into Contact Us and still waiting for a return phone call...

"Hello again. I'm still rather confused on my ban. While I appreciate the replies I have been sent, they have not helped me to understand what I did. I have been accused of using a third party program, but I'm not clear on what that even means. Could you please send me proof of my wrongdoing? I've had an entire online community attempting to help me figure out what I have done, and so far, none of us are having any luck figuring it out. I have placed a call into VMK Operations, and I am waiting to hear back, but in the mean time, I wanted to find out specifically what actions put me in violations of VMK Values or House Rules. I cannot hope to get any help from a live person if I don't even know what crime I've been accused of. Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time. "

I tried to be as polite as possible without sounding ticked that I don't even know what I'm specifically accused of. Their generic replies back aren't helping... But I really would like to know what SPECIFICALLY I did so I can prepare what to say when they call me back. Accusing me of using third party software doesn't really help me any. Just a small update. Thanks again to everyone who has been so supportive and trying to help me out. :hug: to you all.
dont know what you mean here. There was no generating on the wells. there was simply and issue with the well codes giving out the wrong item.


Thats possible, but I do not think they did that since the only people they banned were people who used narnia teleporter codes and that generator harvested many other codes as well

That is not true. People were Accused of entering Narnia Teleporter codes, but there were none found in their inventories.
Yes. VMK makes mistakes. That was just one of many wrongful bans. They punished those who entered codes that were traded for on fan sites, rather than take the time to find those who generated and/or harvested them.

Just sent this into Contact Us and still waiting for a return phone call...

"Hello again. I'm still rather confused on my ban. While I appreciate the replies I have been sent, they have not helped me to understand what I did. I have been accused of using a third party program, but I'm not clear on what that even means. Could you please send me proof of my wrongdoing? I've had an entire online community attempting to help me figure out what I have done, and so far, none of us are having any luck figuring it out. I have placed a call into VMK Operations, and I am waiting to hear back, but in the mean time, I wanted to find out specifically what actions put me in violations of VMK Values or House Rules. I cannot hope to get any help from a live person if I don't even know what crime I've been accused of. Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time. "

I tried to be as polite as possible without sounding ticked that I don't even know what I'm specifically accused of. Their generic replies back aren't helping... But I really would like to know what SPECIFICALLY I did so I can prepare what to say when they call me back. Accusing me of using third party software doesn't really help me any. Just a small update. Thanks again to everyone who has been so supportive and trying to help me out. :hug: to you all.

Your email sounds perfect! I hope you hear something soon. Maybe you can try phoning again? Contact Us is sorely lacking in the customer service department, sad to say.
I hope you get a straight answer, I still can't get them to show me proof of what I said that was personal information, being I wasn't online at the time. I would never give out personal information like that. Heck my own email headers don't even have my real name..LOL. The last I got from VMK was if you contact us again with this problem we will extend your ban. Nice threat wouldn't you say? LOL
Ok well we are thinking of you and crossing our fingers and toes that it gets resolved this week!!!
now hear that vmk guru? We want, not demand, our bubbles back!!!
Ok now back to regular scheduled programming....
Lost and little Lost
That is not true. People were Accused of entering Narnia Teleporter codes, but there were none found in their inventories.
Yes. VMK makes mistakes. That was just one of many wrongful bans. They punished those who entered codes that were traded for on fan sites, rather than take the time to find those who generated and/or harvested them.

Splitting hairs. Like I said before, there is no plausible way for VMK to track who got what codes when and how. It just is not feasible from a programming/database standpoint.

And they only banned people who had entered large numbers of codes or had sold large quantities of the teleporters.

But again, that is getting way off topic now by arguing verbage and splitting hairs as to what VMK did/should have done when the situation happened. Only heavy abusers were banned and I really do not think they were all that unfair, except the fact that there was no warning beforehand that using the harvester was against values.
Hello all,

I found this topic because I am extremely upset that my VMK character was deleted along with all of my Happiest Celebration Pins and gold stuff. (Supposedly, this was due to inactivity.) Does anyone know if this falls under the same problem? I was not warned of this and did not log in for 3 months because I had shoulder surgery. All i have gotten is a form letter reply. Have you had any luck getting their character's back?

Thank you in advance.
inactivity is different than a ban. I thought it was 6 months when they delete old accounts though.
Good luck, I never got my old orginal account back, but I was gone about 8 months
I thought it was if you did not sign on for 6 months that they started deleting accounts!:eek:
I just looked at my friends list and have people on there that have not logged on since 3/19/07. that is over 5 months!!


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