Virtual Magic Kingdom Game (Beta Launch)

You guys are awesome. I finally got in this afternoon but was so clueless!! I found the Jungle Cruise game and figured that out. DD8 figured out how to play the Pirate game--and was pretty good--but we could not figure out the hidden mickey or a bunch of this other stuff.

The help section on the site stinks!!
The camera is actually in the cinema on the wall where the skull and crossbones flag is.
I'm loving it! I have quite a collection of hidden mickeys now. My name is Maliboomer. Cya there!
jcemom said:
Anyone figure out how to take pics of the hidden mickeys that are in weird, out of camera range, places? Like in the room with the dragon...on the wall on the upper left in between the chains...only a little piece of the mickey fits into the camera viewfinder and it doesn't give me credit for it. There's another like it in the horseshoe saloon, on the upper balcony on the left. :confused3

As of today, they seemed to have fixed these Mickey's to make it so they will be in the range of the camera.
marypops! said:
has anyone found the monorail stops??
i've only found 1 hidden mickey where are more??
help please

There is a monorail station at the front entrance to the park.... just go down main street as if you are exiting the park. Once you go through the exit, you are at a monorail stop.
HollyNEd said:
Seems like it is back open as of 11 pm est.

I had an idea if anyone is interested it is that we make ourselves that lime green color for skin so we know we are from the Dis. I know it looks really funky but at least it is lime green ;)

Or at least wear something lime green. I tried to ask if anyone was from the Dis, but it didn't like the word Dis! :confused3
Just a few "things to do" instead of just walking around like I did at first! LOL

On the main map page, that shows all the areas to visit, click on Main Street(i think) and go into VMK Central. There is a pirate poster on the wall. Click on this and you get a free camera and some film. There is also a screen on the wall that, when clicked, will tell you how many hidden Mickeys you have found with your camera. There is usually one or two hidden Mickey's in each area. If you take a picture of one, it will show up white in your picture. Drag the camera frame around the screen to aim.

If you want to get back to the main map page, click on the globe icon located on the bottom left of your screen. From here you can go to any land or game.

Play games to earn points to buy things like pins, clothes, furniture for your room, and film for your camera. You can buy things by going into a shop. I read that you have to visit a shop and then return for a second time before you can shop there. If you get a "hand" on your cursor as you hover over the cash register in the shop you can buy things.

Also, click on "main characters" like the fortune teller in the Emporium, Ned in Aventureland, the dragon etc.. and get a pin and points. It says to return in 24hrs for more rewards. (don't know what you get yet!)

Don't be shy, if you see people in a room ask them if there are any hidden Mickeys or what there is to do. Most of the time there is someone willing to share!

I need to find out how to use Magic! I think I have it but it said I need a magic pin which I have no idea how to get. Anyone know???

Have fun learning your way in this game! Good Luck. :wave2:

I saw on there this morning where you will be able to submit words for them to consider putting in the dictionary. I don't remember how this is done or what you have to "accomplish" to do this but maybe we can get DIS put in there.
Allright! This is right up my alley! But I can't get in. First of all, it says my username is already taken (which is my email address)? Secondly, it says time until open "36". What does that mean?
lucky978 said:
Allright! This is right up my alley! But I can't get in. First of all, it says my username is already taken (which is my email address)? Secondly, it says time until open "36". What does that mean?

36 means "36 minutes until it opens again for game play"! :)

Your username is already taken because this is from when you signed up at the Disney website (I am assuming you have signed up. The same thing happened to me, and I typed in a "usual" password I use and it put me through).

Good luck! Be careful it IS addictive. :goodvibes Come find all us DISers!
judykay53 said:
I saw on there this morning where you will be able to submit words for them to consider putting in the dictionary. I don't remember how this is done or what you have to "accomplish" to do this but maybe we can get DIS put in there.

DIS may not work, but Dis does.
I still only have 80 points and cannot afford a camera! Ugh!! The cameras do not seem to be free today! You need 100 points, so there is not much for me to do in the game :confused3

Instead of working, I'm a lime green guy walking around the VMK!

What have you all done to me?!?
I can't get in. Any ideas?? It keeps going through all the loading, then load the word dictionary, then says my connection is lost.
I got banned. I don't know why. I let it load while I went and made lunch. Came back 10 min later and I went to move, said I got disconnected then when I tried to reconnect it said I was banned. :confused3


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